
Archivo de boletines

Women dressed in traditional Indian clothing and men together during a photo op with BASF representative for sustainable products
Marzo 2020
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
Steam cracker II, the largest individual plant at BASF's Ludwigshafen site, covers a surface area of about 64,000 square meters, which is about the size of 13 soccer fields. The steam cracker is also the heart of BASF's Verbund production strategy. This giant plant has been operating since 1981 and uses steam to crack naphtha at about 850°C [1,562°F]. This process leads primarily to ethylene and propylene, both indispensable feedstocks for manufacturing numerous products in Ludwigshafen.
Septiembre de 2019
Noticias de Sostenibilidad

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Backpackers looking through a map on a mountain
Diciembre de 2018
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
Men and women on Navi stage in Mumbai holding BASF's water jug
Septiembre de 2018
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
Green field surrounded by plam trees with a man and woman walking away in a distance
Junio de 2018
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
two men picking leaves in a field with scenic mountain views at a distance
Diciembre de 2017
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
Sustainable construction in the desert – Burj Kalifa
Burj Kalifa, the world’s tallest building, stretches majestically towards the sky. For the construction of the tower, BASF developed a special concrete mix that can be pumped to a height of 600 meters without segregating. Thanks to our admixture Glenium Sky 504 the concrete can be worked for more than 3 hours and then hardens quickly. This allows for a shorter construction time and gives the building a longer useful life, in this way making it more sustainable.    Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

Nachhaltiges Bauen in der Wüste – der Burj Chalifa
Mächtig streckt sich das aktuell höchste Gebäude der Welt - der Burj Chalifa - gen Himmel. Für den Bau des Turmes entwickelte BASF eigens eine Betonmischung, die in 600m Höhe gepumpt werden kann, ohne zu entmischen. Mit dem Zusatzmittel Glenium Sky lässt sich der Beton bis zu drei Stunden verarbeiten, dann härtet er schnell aus. Dies verkürzt die Bauzeit und ermöglicht eine längere - und somit nachhaltigere - Nutzung des Gebäudes.      Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.,Sustainable construction in the desert – Burj Kalifa
Burj Kalifa, the world’s tallest building, stretches majestically towards the sky. For the construction of the tower, BASF developed a special concrete mix that can be pumped to a height of 600 meters without segregating. Thanks to our admixture Glenium Sky 504 the concrete can be worked for more than 3 hours and then hardens quickly. This allows for a shorter construction time and gives the building a longer useful life, in this way making it more sustainable.    Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

Nachhaltiges Bauen in der Wüste – der Burj Chalifa
Mächtig streckt sich das aktuell höchste Gebäude der Welt - der Burj Chalifa - gen Himmel. Für den Bau des Turmes entwickelte BASF eigens eine Betonmischung, die in 600m Höhe gepumpt werden kann, ohne zu entmischen. Mit dem Zusatzmittel Glenium Sky lässt sich der Beton bis zu drei Stunden verarbeiten, dann härtet er schnell aus. Dies verkürzt die Bauzeit und ermöglicht eine längere - und somit nachhaltigere - Nutzung des Gebäudes.      Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.
Octubre de 2017
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
Junio de 2017
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
Two BASF employees inspecting pipe line in white hard hats
Marzo de 2017
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
Close up shot of men and women happy planting in at a farm
Diciembre de 2016
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
view of BASF production site and two men in blue overalls and yellow hard hat from below
Octubre de 2016
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
Junio de 2016
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
view of BASF production buildings by the water at sunset
Marzo de 2016
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
BASF employee in blue overalls pushing white box
Diciembre de 2015
Noticias de Sostenibilidad
BASF employee in blue overalls, green gloves and yellow hard hat inspecting a bottle of chemical
Diciembre de 2014
Actualización SD - Desarrollo Sostenible de NL
Close up shot of black tire rims
Septiembre de 2014
Actualización SD - Desarrollo Sostenible de NL
Two men in suits and orange tie at a conference
Junio de 2014
Actualización SD - Desarrollo Sostenible de NL
Female employee in lab coat and safety goggles measuring chemical in a beaker
Abril de 2014
Actualización SD - Desarrollo Sostenible de NL
Close up shot of liquid splashing
Noviembre de 2013
Actualización SD - Desarrollo Sostenible de NL
Mayo de 2013
Actualización SD - Desarrollo Sostenible de NL