

人権は一人ひとりの尊厳を守るものです。自らの事業活動や取引関係において人権を尊重することは、当社の社会的責任の基盤です。私たちは人を尊重し、敬意を持って接します。 .

Vorsitzender des Vorstands: Legal, Taxes, Insurance & Intellectual Property; Corporate Development; Corporate Communications & Government Relations; Senior Executive Human Resources; Investor Relations; Compliance; BASF 4.0; Corporate Technology & Operational Excellence; Digitalization in Research & Development; Innovation Management


BASF SE 取締役会会長




Considering that states have the duty to protect Human Rights, we commit to respect Human Rights in our operations and embrace the responsibility to foster respect for Human Rights in relationships with our business partners along the value chain, with neighbours in communities, and in the application of our products. Against this backdrop, we recognize the internationally agreed-upon standards.
We have systematically integrated Human Rights assessments into our corporate processes for governance and decision-making, e.g. for investments in sites, plants, equipment, and financial assets. We seek to identify and prevent potential adverse Human Rights impacts of our operations.
We embed our commitment to respect Human Rights in our daily operations and for all business functions. We encourage and foster open dialogue with all our stakeholders to develop a mutual understanding of relevant topics, to allow for a meaningful consultation, and to raise awareness. We connect to create value in societies. In a collaborative way, we strive to reduce negative and to optimize positive effects.
We report our global goals, approach, monitoring systems and measures for integrating human rights issues into our business activities regularly and transparently in our annual report and on our website.
We offer worldwide operational-level grievance and/or complaint mechanisms for own employees, partners, and the public affected by our operations. We take on critical questions and listen to all grievances. We ensure that all concerns that are brought forward to us are addressed. We strive for appropriate remediation by the responsible party.

BASFは、外部専門家からの助言を受けています。例えば、当社の独立組織であるHuman Rights Advisory Council(HRAC)では、学界や市民社会からの国際的なソートリーダーが、意見を述べています。 HRACは、当社のチーフ・コンプライアンス・オフィサーが率いています。  

デンマーク人権研究所、国連によるビジネスと人権に関するワーキンググループ、非営利団体BSR(Business for Social Responsibility)に所属していたマーガレット・ユンク (Margaret Jungk)氏が、社外の人権専門家として参加しました。

Stakeholder Advisory Councilでは、BASFの新たな人権への取り組みと人権に関する主なリスクについて集中的に議論しました。この課題は、特に長いバリューチェーンや異なる文化的背景や法律などの複雑さのため、間違いなく継続的なプロセスとなります。しかし、BASFの新しい『Group’s Position on Human Rights』をはじめとした、進展もあります。



In the Human Rights Advisory Council, we advise BASF on complex Human Rights issues and challenges arising in its operations and its value chains worldwide. The diversity of the Council members and their professional experiences is of utmost importance to holistically assist BASF to develop well-reasoned and sound solutions, in particular, in transnational supply chains and challenging cultural contexts. BASF takes these challenges very seriously.

Prof. Dr. Birgit Spießhofer

Europe Chief Sustainability & Governance Counsel, Dentons and Professor at the University of Bremen