



“2021 年是巴斯夫大中华区表现非凡的一年!在取得亮眼业绩的同时,公司始终履行对环境保护和社会的承诺。巴斯夫在大中华区的销售额创下新高,达到 120 亿欧元,实现了销量和售价双增长。在产量实现两位数增长的同时,公司还连续第五年减少了运营中的温室气体排放。”

- 楼剑锋博士,巴斯夫大中华区董事长兼总裁

The BASF Group
BASF Group 2021 at a glance

•  Achieved sales of €78.6 billion

•  111,047 employees worldwide

•  Around 240 production sites worldwide

•  Around 90,000 customers are at the core of our strategy

epa07677649 (FILE) - Flags with the logo of German chemicals company BASF fly in front of a building in Ludwigshafen, Germany, 27 February 2018 (reissued 27 June 2019) Reports on 27 June 2019 state German chemicals giant BASF is to cut its global workforce by 6,000 jobs until the end of 2021. Half of the jobs will be lost in Germany, with most cuts taking place at the company headquarters in Ludwigshafen. BASF said it hopes to save some 300 million euro annually.  EPA-EFE/RONALD WITTEK

•  集团销售额达 786 亿欧元

•  111,047 名员工

•  240个生产基地遍布全球

•  约 90,000 家客户是我们的战略核心

The steam cracker II has an area of around 64,000 square meters making it the size of thirteen football fields and the biggest single plant at the site in Ludwigshafen. The cracker is also the core of the Verbund. The steam cracker II has been working since 1981. It separates naphtha basically into ethylene and propylene using 850-centigrade hot vapor. Ethylene and propylene are indispensable building blocks for the production of many products in Ludwigshafen.
Feedbackkultur Hub Berlin

•  巴斯夫在 90 个国家设有分支机构

•  经营 6 个一体化生产基地以及 232 给生产基地

BASF is strengthening its innovation capabilities in Asia by breaking ground for the third phase of its Innovation Campus Shanghai. The expansion includes an additional research and development (R&D) building and one R&D workshop building.

•   巴斯夫业务在亚太区覆盖 19 个市场

•   两个一体化基地和 70 个其他生产基地

•   两个主要研发基地:上海创新园、孟买创新园




上海创新园三期工程破土动工,预计于2023年初竣工。届时,巴斯夫在上海创新园的总投资将达到约 2.8 亿欧元。


•   进入中国市场第 137

•   11,070 名员工

•   大中华区是巴斯夫全球第二大市场

•   大中华区销售额约 120 亿欧元,同比增长超过 40%(按客户所在地)

•   31 个生产基地

•   迄今在大中华区投资超过 80 亿欧元(与合作伙伴共同投资逾 110 亿欧元

•   具有竞争力的本土生产、市场营销、销售、技术服务和创新网络


•  拓展与中国石化的合作

•  与杉杉股份成立合资公司,服务电动汽车电池材料市场

•  参与中国绿色电力交易试点

•  在中国成立“可持续发展共建联盟”推动可持续发展

•  加强合作实现可持续交通

•  强化电子商务及商业模式

The towers of the aromatics plant on Friesenheim Island, a part of BASF’s Ludwigshafen Verbund site, are visible in the background. This facility can supply the Verbund with up to 300,000 metric tons of benzene per year. It is one of the central Verbund plants that are directly linked to both steam crackers. The steam crackers produce a number of important basic chemical products, including in particular ethylene and propylene.

•  巴斯夫在 90 个国家设有分支机构

•  经营 6 个一体化生产基地以及 232 给生产基地

BASF is strengthening its innovation capabilities in Asia by breaking ground for the third phase of its Innovation Campus Shanghai. The expansion includes an additional research and development (R&D) building and one R&D workshop building.

•   巴斯夫业务在亚太区覆盖 19 个市场

•   两个一体化基地和 70 个其他生产基地

•   两个主要研发基地:上海创新园、孟买创新园

The steam cracker II has an area of around 64,000 square meters making it the size of thirteen football fields and the biggest single plant at the site in Ludwigshafen. The cracker is also the core of the Verbund. The steam cracker II has been working since 1981. It separates naphtha basically into ethylene and propylene using 850-centigrade hot vapor. Ethylene and propylene are indispensable building blocks for the production of many products in Ludwigshafen.
Feedbackkultur Hub Berlin
epa07677649 (FILE) - Flags with the logo of German chemicals company BASF fly in front of a building in Ludwigshafen, Germany, 27 February 2018 (reissued 27 June 2019) Reports on 27 June 2019 state German chemicals giant BASF is to cut its global workforce by 6,000 jobs until the end of 2021. Half of the jobs will be lost in Germany, with most cuts taking place at the company headquarters in Ludwigshafen. BASF said it hopes to save some 300 million euro annually.  EPA-EFE/RONALD WITTEK
The BASF Group

BASF Group at a glance

•  Achieved sales of €78.6 billion

•  111,047 employees worldwide

•  Around 240 production sites worldwide

•  Around 90,000 customers are at the core of our strategy

The BASF Group
BASF in Greater China

•  137th year in Greater China market

•  Greater China is currently BASF’s second largest market after the United States

•  Posted sales of approximately €12 billion in 2021 to customers in Greater China, an increase of 42% compared to 2020

•  31 production sites

•  To date, BASF has invested more than €8 billion in Greater China (more than €11 billion with partners)

•   A locally competitive production, marketing, sales, technical service and innovation network

In the residue incineration plant of BASF Schwarzheide GmbH (in the background on the left), non-recyclable waste is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. The plant was renewed in 2018 for €33 million. Process optimizations and an improved process for flue gas cleaning save 7 GWh of energy annually and ensure significantly reduced emission levels.
The BASF Group
BASF in the regions

•  BASF has companies in 90 countries

•  Six Verbund sites and 232 additional production sites

Mit einem Spatenstich für die dritte Phase des BASF Innovation Campus Shanghai verstärkt BASF ihre Innovationsaktivitäten in Asien. Die Erweiterung umfasst ein zusätzliches Gebäude für Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) sowie ein Technikumsgebäude.
The BASF Group
BASF in Asia Pacific at a glance

•  BASF in Asia Pacific is present in 19 markets

•  Two Verbund sites with 70 production sites

•  Two major R&D sites: Innovation Campus Shanghai, Innovation Campus Mumbai


• BASF broke ground for the third phase of its Innovation Campus Shanghai; upon its completion in early 2023, the total investment of BASF into the campus, will sum up to around €280 million

• With the establishment of Network for Asian Open Research (NAO), BASF and its partners have completed more than 100 joint research projects


•  推出“供应商二氧化碳管理”计划

•  推出集团内部冲突矿产供应链政策

•  基地物流运营数字化

•  推行无人驾驶物流拖车系统



•  温室气体排放量减少 4.5%

•  有机水污染排放物减少 26.6%

•  固体废物回收总量提升 14%


•  每 20 万工时工艺安全事故:0.03

•  每 20 万工时损失工时工伤事故率:0.02

•  全球健康绩效指标:0.96

Employees and Societal Engagement

•  11,070 employees

• Mobile-learning accounts for over 12,800 training hours

• “2021 BASF’s Family Day”

• Offering Flexible Working Arrangements

• BASF Greater China expenses for societal engagement activities in 2021 around €0.35 million

• BASF Kids’ Lab helps children explore climate change and health protection

• BASF’s first nationwide clean-up campaign contributes to cleaner coastlines and riverbanks in China

• Employee volunteers actively participating in programs caring about underprivileged communities

Prizes and Awards

• “Best Corporate Citizenship” award

• “Outstanding Responsible Enterprise”

• “Sustainable Business Award”

• China’s Top Employer 2022