
Women in STEAM: four different journeys

Historically, women have been underrepresented in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM), yet in the last decade, the gender gap has slowly begun to narrow.

This month, in honor of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we brought together four accomplished BASF female scientists to discuss the challenges they faced in their professional journey, their lessons and their recommendations for the next generation of women in science. They are:

  • Diana Londoño, Sr. Research Scientist III/Team Leader, Insecticides Foliar Biologicals, Agricultural Solutions
  • Tharanga Payagala, Senior Scientist and Lab Leader, North American Biodegradation Laboratory, Analytical & Material Science.
  • Nicole Reinartz, Senior Scientist II, R&D North America, Dispersions & Resins.
  • Diane Tom, Senior Technical Service Specialist, Personal Care North America.

Their journeys into science started in very different ways. Diana and Nicole's interest in science sparked at a young age, while Diane found her path in high school and Tharanga in college. However, they all had one thing in common: a need to understand the world around them.

Building confidence and juggling motherhood

Even though they all come from different families, cultures and contexts, all four scientists recognize a common trait in women and girls: a lack of confidence in themselves. This shows in very different ways, from being less vocal than their male counterparts - which can often lead to being unnoticed or having fewer career growth opportunities - to the fear of asking “stupid” questions or saying the wrong thing in front of them, to not asking for a raise and speaking up for themselves.

They’ve all experienced these thoughts or noticed these situations in one way or another, and their confidence grew by seeing others advocate for them or eventually finding their own voice and worth and asking for what they wanted. In Diana’s words, “At BASF I’ve been lucky to work with managers that not only appreciated my work but also believed in me. This has been important for my career development, and it also has helped me build confidence in my work.”

Motherhood was also very challenging for all four of them. Diana was pursuing her Ph.D. studies along with her partner and had a one-year-old at the time, which meant she sometimes had to overcompensate or overwork herself to complete her studies.

In Tharanga’s case, she chose to resign and start a family, rejoining the workforce later on. Nicole also experienced a similar situation and often had to put her professional aspirations on hold and prioritize her family, and so did Diane, who admitted to pausing a change in position for a few years, choosing to prioritize stability.

A shift in perception and representation

Overall, all four women agree that female representation in science has significantly improved today. More women are pursuing their Ph.D. studies and choosing leadership paths. When I joined the BASF North America Analytical Team 11 years ago, our director and the three group managers were all male. Today, our director is female and one of the managers is also female. In terms of men to women ratio in our group, the number has completely shifted, and today there are more women than men,” Tharanga explains.

While representation has grown extensively in most areas, such as in universities, where more women are part of the faculty, female presence is still lacking in some fields, such as Nicole’s. Engineering continues to be a largely male-dominated area, while in chemistry, the numbers are much more equitable today. More women are pursuing advanced degrees, but, as Tharanga explains, these are disproportionately harder for women, as they require extensive commitment, can limit their financial independence and impact their possibilities of having a family.

All women highlight the fact that the percentage of female leaders continues to grow, and extraordinary role models can now be found across BASF, even in the highest positions. At the same time, the group also recognizes that some stereotypes continue to be perpetuated in the workplace, such as strong female leaders often being cataloged as ‘bossy’ or women perceived as ‘too emotional’ when showing passion about a topic.

Perseverance, secret of all triumphs

Victor Hugo's words certainly echo Diane, Diana, Nicole and Tharanga's feelings about future generations of female scientists.

There is still a road to go when it comes to building true equality in STEAM careers, but the reality is much better for women today than it used to be, and the group agrees things are looking up, especially in BASF. “I'm hoping that this progressive work culture continues, especially within BASF. We are extremely fortunate to work for a company so focused on promoting a diversity of thoughts, perspectives and experiences, which makes us a stronger company overall,” expressed Tharanga.

Published on February 26, 2025, by Mariana Licio.

For media inquiries or to repurpose this article, please contact Lisa Brown.