Björn Braunschweig博士即使在晚上也不容易全然放鬆身心。他是德國埃爾朗根-紐倫堡弗裡德里希·亞歷山大大學(FAU)先進材料卓越工程中心小組的研究員,當他在下班後想好好享用一杯啤酒的時候,甚至也會忍不住研究起杯子裡的泡沫——為什麼巴伐利亞本地啤酒的氣泡比健力士黑啤酒更大而且冒得更快呢?Braunschweig解釋:「健力士黑啤酒的泡沫之所以更加穩定,是因為在啤酒碳酸化過程中添加的氮氣比德國生啤使用的二氧化碳更難溶於水。」這名而立之年的科學家對於泡綿材料頗為精通。2014年,他獲得歐洲研究委員會專門為新銳科學研究領袖提供的金額達150萬歐元的資金,用於一項與泡綿材料相關的五年基礎研究計畫。
A heart, a peacock, a flower… Imagination knows no limits when barista Pablo Fuchs creates works of art out of foamed milk on delicious coffee for his favorite discipline, latte art.
Do soap bubbles last forever in the weightlessness of space? This exciting question posed by two young researchers is answered by none other than the german astronaut Alexander Gerst on board the International Space Station.
A true BASF film classic from 1963. It tells the story of one of the most remarkable materials of our time: Styropor.
... revolutionizes adidas running shoes. Energy, step by step. With the adidas BoostTM running shoe, the impact of jogging is no longer wasted – it is returned to the runner. A new technology developed by BASF and adidas makes it all possible.
The Berlin-based food blogger Ariane Bille and Karl-Hermann Franck, BASF’s top chef and head of restaurant & hotel services, whip up a four-course meal out of foam. Watch. Cook. Enjoy.
First course: Cocktail au Champagne
The Berlin-based food blogger Ariane Bille and Karl-Hermann Franck, BASF’s top chef and head of restaurant & hotel services, whip up a four-course meal out of foam. Watch. Cook. Enjoy.
Second course: Curry Foam Soup
The Berlin-based food blogger Ariane Bille and Karl-Hermann Franck, BASF’s top chef and head of restaurant & hotel services, whip up a four-course meal out of foam. Watch. Cook. Enjoy.
Third course: Smoked Salmon
The Berlin-based food blogger Ariane Bille and Karl-Hermann Franck, BASF’s top chef and head of restaurant & hotel services, whip up a four-course meal out of foam. Watch. Cook. Enjoy.