

Worldwide, water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource. The sustainable use of water and worldwide conservation of natural water resources are therefore of concern to us. We are committed to responsible water use along the entire value chain and at the watershed level. We are contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals for water and acknowledge the human right to water and sanitation.

Sustainable Water Management

Sustainable use of water is an integral part of BASF’s corporate purpose “We create chemistry for a sustainable future” and an important basis for our company’s future success.

We set ourselves a global target: By 2030, we want to establish sustainable water management at all sites in areas of water stress and at our Verbund sites.

Since 2010, we participate in the water reporting by the CDP. In the CDP assessment for sustainable water management, BASF achieved the top grade of “A” and thus Leadership status.

Water Protection

We reduce emissions to water from our production processes, reuse wastewater where possible and have water protection concepts in place. These concepts involve evaluating wastewater in terms of risk and drawing up suitable water protection measures.

In the treatment of our wastewater, we rely on central measures in wastewater treatment plants as well as on the selective pre-treatment of individual wastewater supply streams before the wastewater treatment plant. Depending on the type and degree of contamination, appropriate methods are used, such as biological processes, chemical oxidation, membrane technologies, precipitation or adsorption.

We protect soil and groundwater by preventing leakages via global process safety standards. 

Antwerpen, im Norden von Belgien, ist der zweitgrößte Produktionsstandort der BASF. Der Verbundstandort steht in direkter Verbindung mit der Nordsee, dem Antwerpener Hafen und dem europäischen Hinterland.  BASF Antwerpen ist ca. sechs Quadratkilometer groß und zählt 50 Produktionsanlagen, verteilt über 15 integrierte Wertschöpfungsketten.

Working together

Our commitment to local and worldwide partnerships in this field enables us to improve our knowledge and share our expertise with others. We are member of the Alliance for Water Stewardship, a global organization, aiming at sustainable water use and promoting collective action to address shared water challenges. In South America, we are promoting sustainable development activities with the Fundação Espaço ECO, including in the area of water.

Road expanding across big area of water

Alliance against Plastic Waste

In order to avoid the entry of plastics into the environment, especially in waters, we are engaged global initiatives such as the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, the World Plastics Council (AEPW) and the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS).

Plastic and other rubbish washed up on a beach.

The Water – Energy Nexus

The supply, treatment, transportation and recooling of water requires energy. We are constantly working to optimize our energy consumption and the amount of water we use, and to adapt to the needs of our business and the environment.


Die Gas- und Dampfturbinen-Anlage am Verbundsstandort Ludwigshafen ist Spitzenreiter in der industriellen Energieumwandlung. Das Prinzip ist einfach: Die entstehende Abgaswärme der Gasturbinen wird zum Herstellen von Dampf genutzt, der dann in den Produktionsbetrieben des Werkes für unterschiedlichste chemische Prozesse verwendet wird. So gelingt es der BASF den Standort Ludwigshafen nicht nur optimal, sondern auch klimafreundlich mit Energie zu versorgen.