The modern control station in an intermediate products plant at the Ludwigshafen site is where all information relating to the plant comes together. Using numerous screens, the plant operators control and monitor the highly complex chemical processes. On the “Collaboration Board” (right), a large touchscreen in the center of the room, the employees call up all the important information at the same time and can thus work in an effective and concentrated manner. The employees also use the “Collaboration Board” for training, as the large, interactive screen is ideal for conveying learning contents. The plant for intermediate products is made up of 16 plant sections and manufactures a broad portfolio of around 50 intermediate products such as amines or diols. BASF customers need these products for applications including the production of coatings for the automotive industry, pharma or crop protection products.




Industrije težkih strojev, kablov, rešitve skladiščenja? Naše inovacije pomagajo ohraniti delovanje številnih panog.

Področja uporabe:

  • Jermeni in profili

  • Kabli in žice

  • Kompaundiranje

  • Distribucija

  • Elektronika in elektrotehnika

  • Filmi in folije

  • Filtriranje

  • Obutev

  • Strojni deli

  • Medicina

  • Rudarstvo

  • Cevi iz gume in plastike

  • Kolesa in pnevmatike

portrait of a young woman holding two brown paper grocery bags
Izdelki široke potrošnje
Imate vzmetnico, na kateri dobro spite? Ali radi vrtnarite ali tečete v svojih najljubših supergah? Za to so morda zaslužne naše inovacije.

Področja uporabe:

  • Bojlerji in grelniki vode

  • Komercialna hladilna tehnika

  • Komponente

  • Obutev

  • Pohištvo

  • Gospodinjski aparati

  • Embalaža

  • Električno orodje

  • Športna oprema

  • Igrače in drugo



Varni talni sistemi ali izolacijske cevi? Naše rešitve najdejo svoje mesto v številnih gradbenih segmentih.


Področja uporabe:

• Sendvič plošče

• Izolacija za ogrevalne in hladilne cevi

• Garažna vrata

• Laminirane izolacijske plošče

• Pena v spreju

• Rolete in polkna

• Vijaki za montažo mavčnih plošč (sidra)

• Komponente oken in vrat

The concept car Hyundai RN30 is being assembled. It combines chemistry-driven key solutions with purposeful aerodynamic design and specialized high-performance technologies. BASF contributes significantly to the concept with lightweight plastics, endless possibilities in design as well as durable and eco-friendly materials.
Avtomobilska industrija

Z našimi tehničnimi materiali za največje proizvajalce avtomobilov na svetu kreiramo vrhunske rešitve.

Področja uporabe:

• Inkapsulacija oken

• Nosilci motorja in šasije

• Sesalni kolektor

• Motorji in zaganjalniki

• Elektronska krmilna enota motorja (ECU)

• Materiali za strešne obloge v avtomobilu

• Pena za armaturne plošče in vrata 

• Polnosilni deli

• Volani

Bogdan Konec
Senior Key Account Manager
Bogdan Konec
Senior Key Account Manager
Gyozo Jakab
Sales Representative
Bogdan Konec
Senior Key Account Manager