
A new look at energy

Our hunger for energy continues to grow. How can we meet
increasing demand while simultaneously protecting the climate?

Find out more


Issue #10

Creating Chemistry Magazine 2021
Issue #10

Dear readers,

The coronavirus pandemic has governed our lives in recent months and forced us, all over the world, to face up to previously unknown questions. At the same time, we cannot and must not neglect fundamental challenges such as climate protection.

Zwei Arbeiter auf einem Energieturm
Energy transition at BASF
We look at selected BASF sites to see what a lower-emission energy future could look like.
Ein Mann fährt Fahrrad während zwei weitere Männer in einem Anhänger sitzen und eine Solarplatte halten
Clean energy powers progress
Rachel Kyte, Dean of The Fletcher School, USA, talks about closing the energy gap in developing countries.
Grafik einer Weltkarte
The world as an energy producer
Our infographic takes a look around the globe and offers some surprising facts about electricity and energy.
Ein Mann der ein Virtual-Reality-Headset auf hat
The digital boost
Coronavirus has changed the world of work. Companies and employees are using the transformative power of digital with good ideas and lots of enthusiasm.
Eine zerdrückte Plastikflasche. Zwei Plastikdeckel. Ein Strohalm. Ein Dosendeckel.
From different perspectives
We need to reduce waste and keep the world’s precious resources in circulation for longer – five different views on how we can achieve this.

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