
Other questions

Please contact our candidate hotline (tel. no.: 00800 33 0000 33) or use our contact form. Frequently asked questions are listed in the FAQ section and are answered.

For data privacy reasons, we ask for your understanding that we cannot process an application sent by a third party.

Please discuss this matter during the interview with the HR department.

We recommend that you do not respond to communications that you suspect may be fraudulent. If you suspect recruitment fraud and BASF is mentioned, first get in touch with BASF in your country. Should BASF confirm the communcation as fraudulent we advise you to contact your local police.

You find more about "Recruitment Fraud" here on our website.

Participation in a chat is on a voluntary and anonymous basis and does not require registration. You alone decide which personal data you wish to provide within the service chat. The personal data gathered by BASF SE or a contracted third party is used exclusively to provide the service and quality assurance for said service. By entering a service chat session, you agree to the aforementioned use of the personal data that you provide of your own free will.

Here you find our detailed terms of use.

You find all relevant directions to your interview at the largest BASF production site in Ludwigshafen within the following pdf document.