Licity® 2668 F


  • Highest flexibility of all grades
  • Very good runnability for high solids coating
  • Thiol free technology, very low migrating substances
  • Available with a net-zero carbon footprint (ZeroPCF version)
Product Solids content [%] Particle size [nm] Tg [°C] Gel [%] pH
Licity® 2668 F 50 110 bimodal ~ 15 >95 ~ 6.5

Further Licity® products

Licity® 2680 series

Balanced stress-strain and elasticity

Wide application range (graphite and SiOx containing anodes)

High substrate adhesion

Licity® 2688

Highest tensile strength of all grades

Suitable for SiOx containing anodes

Licity® 2698 X F (NEW)

2nd generation SBR with highest stress-strain and elasticity

Especially suitable for SiOx and Si-rich anodes

High substrate adhesion