- ケミカル:石油化学品、化学品中間体
- マテリアル:パフォーマンスマテリアルズ、モノマー
- インダストリアル・ソリューション:ディスパージョン&レジン、パフォーマンス・ケミカルズ
- サーフェステクノロジー:触媒、コーティングス
- ニュートリション&ケア:ケア・ケミカルズ、ニュートリション&ヘルス
- アグロソリューション:アグロソリューション
BASFは事業運営にあたり、マーケットごとに固有の要件や競争環境に応じて異なるアプローチを採用しています。事業セグメントの業績については高いレベルの透明性を確保し、事業を成功に導く上でフェアブント(統合生産拠点)とバリューチェーンが果たす重要性 を明確にしています。BASFの組織は、主に事業本部、サービスユニット、地域本部、コーポレートセンターで構成されています。BASFは、競合他社との事業の差別化を図り、高いパフォーマンスを発揮できる組織づくりを行っています。これにより、競争の激化する市場環境においても成功を収める企業としての体制を整えています。
This segment structure enables us to steer our businesses according to market-specific requirements and the competitive environment. We provide a high level of transparency around the results of our segments and show the importance of the Verbund and value chains to our business success. The operating divisions, the service units, research and development and the corporate center are the cornerstones of the BASF organization. This organizational structure lays the foundation for customer proximity, competitiveness and profitable growth. BASF aims to differentiate its businesses from their competitors to enable BASF to perform even more strongly in an increasingly competitive market environment.
The divisions bear strategic and operational responsibility and are organized according to sectors or products. Five service units provide competitive services for the BASF Group.
Our specific research and development units are integrated into the divisions, and activities with broad relevance for our businesses are bundled in a research division. This division is globally positioned with research centers in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. With this setup, we are focusing our research activities even more strongly on our customers and their needs.
The Corporate Center supports the Board of Executive Directors in steering the company as a whole. This steering includes central tasks from the following areas: strategy, finance and controlling, law, compliance and insurance, tax, environmental protection, health, safety and quality, human resources, communications, investor relations and corporate audit.