Im Juni wird die Welt ein Stück bunter; der Pride Month steht ganz im Zeichen von Vielfalt und Einbeziehung. Auch BASF bekennt Farbe und hisst am Standort Ludwigshafen die Regenbogenflagge.


Welcome to the Ludwigshafen site

With an area of approximately ten square kilometres the Ludwigshafen Verbund site is the world’s largest integrated chemical complex. As the headquarters of BASF, it is also the cradle of the Verbund concept, where production facilities, energy flows and logistics are networked together intelligently in order to utilise resources as efficiently as possible. As the region’s largest employer, we are committed to our environment in a variety of ways.

News & Media 
Current news releases and the most recent segments from our TV magazine BASF inside.
The site in figures 2020
  • app. 39.000 employees

  • app. 2,000 buildings on the site

  • ca. 200 production facilities
  • 230 km rails

  • 2,850 km pipes

  • 106 km streets
BASF Feierabendhaus  ES-Forum
Working towards a good neighborhood 

“The Ludwigshafen site makes an important contribution to BASF’s success. In order for us to be successful at our headquarters, we need good relations with our neighborhood. Openness, transparency and the readiness to engage in dialogue – in good times as well as in difficult times – are therefore an important part of our corporate culture.”

     Dr Uwe Liebelt, President European Verbund Sites

Important phone numbers

Citizen's hotline:

Environmental center:

In the event of an incident, we provide information quickly, transparently and comprehensively. For this purpose the company has an extensive range of experts available at a moment’s notice.

Telegram-Service for our neighbors 

Receive news directly on your smartphone (in German).

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