Personal Information Protection Policy

In full recognition that personal information is an important asset of a relevant individual, BASF Japan Ltd. (“BJL”) hereby establishes this Personal Information Protection Policy (“Policy”) in order to ensure appropriate protection and management of personal information of BJL’s customers and any and all persons with whom BJL interacts (collectively “Customers”) which information may be held by BJL.


1.     Compliance with Laws

In BJL’s collection, use and management of personal information, BJL will properly handle such personal information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws and governmental or other regulations, this Policy, BJL’s internal rules and so on.


2.     Collection of Personal Information

BJL will collect personal information solely for specified purposes of use, and by lawful and fair means.


3.     Use of Personal Information

Personal information collected by BJL will be used by BJL for the following purposes, and BJL will not use any personal information for any other purposes without data subjects’ consent unless permitted under applicable laws and governmental regulations:


l  for provision of BJL’s products and services (“BJL Products”) and information relating to BJL Products;

l  for invitation to and organization of events, exhibitions, webinars and the like relating to BJL Products;

l  for invitation to and notification of, provision of giveaways and the like in, and implementation of, campaigns, surveys, product tester programs and the like relating to BJL Products;

l  for advertising and publicity for BJL Products, and sending of direct mails and the like;

l  for market research, data analysis, and other investigation on and analysis of information concerning Customers and BJL Products (including history of purchase and/or use of BJL Products);

l  for marketing activities such as distribution of advertisements according to Customers’ interest and preferences based upon findings from research, analysis and investigations referred to in the preceding clause;

l  for improvement of quality of BJL Products, and planning, research, development and other activities of or for new products and services;

l  for management and operation of websites, social media, applications, e-mail newsletters and the like operated by BJL;

l  for control of visitors’ entrance to and exit from BJL’s facilities;

l  for screening of business partners for BJL Products;

l  for making applications, giving notices and reports, and holding discussions to, with or in connection with governmental authorities and such business circles and organizations as are related to BJL’s business, and for providing information related to them;

l  for procedures and the like for recruitment;

l  for appropriate labor management of BJL’s officers and employees;

l  for exercise of BJL’s legal rights and performance of BJL’s legal obligations;

l  for response to enquiries; and

l  for other purposes of use separately published or notified by BJL when BJL collects personal information.


In addition, BJL may collect information concerning Customers (such as website browsing history, application use history, product purchase history, information concerning terminals such as OSs, cookie IDs, advertisement identifiers, IP addresses and other online identifiers) from advertising service providers (such as advertisement distributors, affiliate partners and DMP providers) and other third parties, and may use information so collected, in association with Customers’ personal information already held by BJL.


4.     Management of Personal Information

BJL will take necessary measures to prevent divulgence, loss and damage of or to personal information. When BJL engages a third party to handle personal information, BJL will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over such third party so that such personal information will be safeguarded.

For more details concerning BJL’s collection of personal information and measures taken by BJL, please refer to the contact set forth in Section 7 “Contact.”


5.     Transfer of Personal Information to Third Parties

BJL may transfer Customers’ personal information to third parties such as distributors of BJL Products and BJL’s business partners. BJL will not transfer any personal information to any other third parties without data subjects’ consent, unless such transfer is permitted by any applicable law or governmental regulation.

BJL will not transfer any personal information of Customers to any third parties located in foreign countries unless BJL obtains data subjects’ consent or such transfer is permitted by any applicable law or governmental regulation. BJL takes measures necessary to ensure continuous implementation of corresponding measures by third party recipients.


6.     Sharing of Personal Information

BJL will share Customers’ personal information as described below.

l  Personal information shared
Customers’ names, employers (companies/organizations), telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and the like.

l  Scope of sharing
BASF SE (BJL’s ultimate parent) and its group companies (“Group Companies”).

l  Purposes of use:
Purposes set forth in Section 3 “Use of Personal Information.”

l  Individual responsible for management of personal information
BJL’s Representative Director.


7.     Contact

Please refer to the following contact for your requests for and questions relating to notification of purposes of use, disclosure (including disclosure of records of transfer to third parties), correction / addition / deletion, discontinuance of use, erasure or discontinuance of transfer to third parties, of personal information held by BJL, or other requests and questions relating to such personal information:


Legal and Compliance Division, BASF Japan Ltd.
3F, OVOL Nihonbashi Building

3-4-4 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0022 Japan


Please refer to the following contact for your requests and questions relating to personal information provided to BJL in connection with BJL’s agricultural solution business (i.e., crop protection product business):


Marketing, Agricultural Solutions, BASF Japan Ltd.

3F, OVOL Nihonbashi Building

3-4-4 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0022 Japan


8.     Use of Cookies and Google Analytics

Websites operated by BJL and Group Companies use cookies in order to, among others, track, analyze and improve usage of those websites. Some of those websites use Google Analytics. Please refer to here with respect to the mechanism of collection and processing of data by Google Analytics, and the Privacy Policy applicable to Google Analytics.


9.     Amendment to this Policy

BJL may amend this Policy and BJL’s public announcements under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, as a result of revision of laws, governmental regulations or guidelines relating to handling of personal information or under other circumstances.



Last update: April 6, 2022