Sustainability Business Trends
December 6, 2018

Global population growth, urbanization, a growing middle class in emerging countries – these and further mega trends ask for new and effective answers in environment, society and economy. We have to look beyond daily business to identify the long-term needs of our customers and consumers and to develop sustainable future-oriented solutions while leveraging breakthrough technologies. Tackling sustainability trends early on is essential for a business strategy which will be successful in the long term.
With the UN Sustainable Development Goals in mind, BASF investigated the trends in seven important customers industries together with sustainable natives, A.T. Kearney and Impact Hub Berlin. In the survey, sustainability experts globally were asked for their perspective and prognoses. More than 480 surveys as well as 30 high-level deep-dive interviews generated more than 9,000 data points. This extensive trend analysis had two guiding questions: What are the trends and standards that will drive this sustainable transformation towards 2030 in specific industries? Which capabilities will companies need to develop to be successful in this transformation of economy, society and environment?
The study investigated in detail which trends will change at what pace in the industries in scope: Agriculture and Food, Automotive and Transformation, Consumer Goods and Retail, Energy and Utilities, Engineering and Construction, High Tech and Electronics, as well as Pharma and Health. The answers are concrete and industry as well as region-specific. BASF will integrate the derived insights into sustainability trends of its customer industries, their development as well as the risks and opportunities in its future strategy.
You can find more about the study on sustainability trends here.