Business & Financial News | 17 avril 2018

Actualités & Médias

Helping customers assess their portfolio with BASF's Sustainable Solution Steering methodology

  • BASF publishes detailed methodology
  • BioMar, supplier of high-performance fish feed, applies Sustainable Solution Steering to its portfolio

Sustainability is an integral part of BASF’s corporate strategy. A tangible example of how BASF carries out its company purpose “We create chemistry for a sustainable future” is the Sustainable Solution Steering method. This method has been developed by BASF to assess and steer its product portfolio based on defined sustainability criteria. It considers the entire value chain and markets including industry- and region-specific views. The approach reflects economic, ecological and social aspects of the products and solutions in their respective application. The company is now publishing the detailed method to enable customers and other interested parties to steer their portfolio according to their sustainability targets.


BioMar applies Sustainable Solution Steering to its business
Since BASF cooperates with its customers and partners in creating and driving more sustainable solutions, first customers are already using the Sustainable Solution Steering method to analyze and steer their portfolios. BioMar, a leading supplier of high-performance aquaculture feed for farms around the world, applies BASF’s Sustainable Solution Steering methodology to its raw material and ingredient supply side. “BioMar strives to be the sustainability leader in the industry and this method supports us with a comprehensive and systematic tool that grants transparency and documentation from raw material to end-product application,” explained Vidar Gundersen, Global Sustainability Director BioMar. The Sustainable Solution Steering supports BioMar’s sustainability targets: It helps to foster the use of more sustainable raw materials in feed recipes, thereby promoting more sustainably produced aquaculture and seafood.

Originally developed by BASF for its own use as a chemical company, the methodology was adapted for the aquaculture feed industry by thinkstep, a consulting company. “Thinkstep has been supporting companies in various industries to customize and implement this approach – using a combination of consultancy, sustainability data and software tools,” said Martijn Gipmans, Principal Consultant and chemical sector lead at thinkstep. “Clients value BASF’s Sustainable Solution Steering method because it systematically reveals risks and opportunities along the entire value chain and enables the strategic steering of a product portfolio towards greater sustainability and revenue growth.”

BASF has applied the method to analyze, assess and steer its portfolio since 2012. “Our experience with Sustainable Solution Steering shows that it is a very effective tool to actively improve our portfolio towards solutions which make a larger contribution to sustainability,” said Dirk Voeste, Vice President Sustainability Strategy at BASF. “The method helps us achieve the ambitious sustainability targets we have set ourselves and supports our customers with unique sustainability solutions.”

The manual including the detailed Sustainable Solution Steering methodology can be found under:


About BASF
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. The more than 115,000 employees in the BASF Group work on contributing to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio is organized into five segments: Chemicals, Performance Products, Functional Materials & Solutions, Agricultural Solutions and Oil & Gas. BASF generated sales of €64.5 billion in 2017. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (BAS). Further information at


BioMar is a world leader in high performance diets for more than 45 different fish and shrimp species in more than 80 countries. Founded in 1962 by a group of Danish fish farmers, BioMar’s heritage is a long-term commitment to developing the aquaculture industry in a responsible and sustainable way. Our main focus is supporting our customers delivering healthy, great tasting seafood. We do this by innovating efficient, safe and nutritious feed for aquaculture with minimal environmental impact. Our global scale, local agility and execution focus ensure that we can meet individual customer needs – always with departure in proven results and a meticulous focus on food safety.


thinkstep enables organizations worldwide to succeed sustainably. Our industry-leading sustainability software, data and consulting services help businesses drive operational excellence, product innovation, brand value and regulatory compliance. With a global presence in 19 countries we serve more than 2,000 companies, including 40 percent of the Fortune 500 such as BASF, Hewlett-Packard, Interface, Renault, Siemens and Unilever.



Christine Haupt

With the Sustainable Solution Steering method, BASF assesses the sustainability contribution of each of its solutions in their specific customer applications and assigns them to one of four categories: Accelerator, Performer, Transitioner, Challenged.

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Das Herz der BASF-Gruppe ist die BASF SE mit ihrem Stammwerk in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Mit etwa 250 Produktionsbetrieben, vielen hundert Laboren, Technika, Werkstätten und Büros auf einer Fläche von rund zehn Quadratkilometern, ist es der größte zusammenhängende Chemiekomplex der Welt.
Das Stammwerk der BASF ist auch die Wiege des Verbundkonzepts: Produktionsanlagen, Energieflüsse und Logistik werden intelligent miteinander vernetzt, um Ressourcen so effizient wie möglich zu nutzen.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.

BASF SE with its main site in Ludwigshafen is the heart of the BASF Group. With around 250 productions facilities, hundreds of laboratories, technical centers, factories and offices in an area of approximately ten square kilometers, the site is the largest integrated chemical complex in the world.
As the headquarters of BASF it is also the cradle of the Verbund concept, where production facilities, energy flows and logistics are linked together intelligently in order to utilize resources as efficiently as possible.
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

BASF SE with its main site in Ludwigshafen is the heart of the BASF Group. With around 250 productions facilities, hundreds of laboratories, technical centers, factories and offices in an area of approximately ten square kilometers, the site is the largest integrated chemical complex in the world. As the headquarters of BASF it is also the cradle of the Verbund concept, where production facilities, energy flows and logistics are linked together intelligently in order to utilize resources as efficiently as possible.

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Dernière version17 avril 2018