Collaborations with industry

We pursue open innovation: together with other innovative companies, we bundle different competences, develop best practices and work on sustainable products and solutions.

A few projects that are representative of the numerous cooperative ventures we are pursuing together with our partners from industry are described below.  

At its Breeding Station in Ames, Iowa, BASF Plant Science focuses on traits that improve the overall quality of corn as a feed grain. The objective is to increase the energy availability in the corn as well as enhance the protein and the amino acid profile. These improvements enable livestock producers to feed their animals higher-quality feed grain at a lower cost.

In ihrer Zuchtstation in Ames, Iowa / USA, arbeitet BASF Plant Science daran, die Qualität von Mais als Futterkorn zu verbessern. Ziel ist es, den Energiegehalt zu erhöhen und das Protein- und Aminosäureprofil aufzuwerten. Diese Verbesserungen ermöglichen es den Viehzüchtern, hochwertiges Tierfutter zu niedrigeren Kosten anzubieten.,At its Breeding Station in Ames, Iowa, BASF Plant Science focuses on traits that improve the overall quality of corn as a feed grain. The objective is to increase the energy availability in the corn as well as enhance the protein and the amino acid profile. These improvements enable livestock producers to feed their animals higher-quality feed grain at a lower cost.

In ihrer Zuchtstation in Ames, Iowa / USA, arbeitet BASF Plant Science daran, die Qualität von Mais als Futterkorn zu verbessern. Ziel ist es, den Energiegehalt zu erhöhen und das Protein- und Aminosäureprofil aufzuwerten. Diese Verbesserungen ermöglichen es den Viehzüchtern, hochwertiges Tierfutter zu niedrigeren Kosten anzubieten.
Drought-Tolerant Corn
Since 2007, BASF Plant Science and Monsanto have jointly developed higher yielding crops that are more resistant to environmental stress conditions such as drought. In 2013, Monsanto successfully launched Genuity® DroughtGard® Hybrids – the first commercial product of our collaboration. DroughtGard Hybrids are part of a systems approach for mitigating yield losses due to drought stress.
Společnost BASF přivítala do rodiny pěnových hmot novinku, která vznikla na základě kombinace technologických zkušeností firmy s částicovou pěnou a termoplastickými polyuretany. Nový lehčený termoplastický polyuretan (E - TPU), uvádí BASF na trh pod názvem Infinergy™.
For more than 20 years BASF experts have constantly supported adidas in further developing the performance of their running shoes through innovative materials. Using BASF’s new foam Infinergy®, adidas has now developed the Energy Boost, a thoroughly new running shoe with unique spring and cushioning properties.
Together with the Dutch Corbion Purac, we founded Succinity GmbH in the year 2012. The joint venture is to be the leading manufacturer of bio-based succinic acid. Succinity works with a self-developed sustainable and highly efficient manufacturing process. It is based on the proprietary bacterium Basfia succiniciproducens that can produce succinic acid from a variety of renewable feed stocks. In 2014, Succinity started the commercial production of bio-based succinic acid at the Spanish site in Montmeló with an annual capacity of 10,000 tons. The construction of a large-scale plant is also planned.  
Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc. (MCAG)
Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc. (MCAG) and BASF signed an exclusive global development and license agreement for an insecticide with a new mode of action. The new, highly-effective active ingredient delivers innovative insect control solutions to growers and pest management professionals. The new molecule was discovered by MCAG. Over the next three years MCAG and BASF will intensify their join research activities to develop unique formulations for specific markets and applications.
Project Solid and fluid Gas Products (German: FfPaG)
Together with Linde Group and ThyssenKrupp, BASF’s subsidiary hte GmbH and scientific partners VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut, Düsseldorf, and TU Dortmund University we are developing an innovative technology for environmentally sustainable syngas production from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. In They aim to employ innovative process technology to obtain hydrogen, and then use carbon dioxide as a raw material, with positive effects on climate protection. 2013 we started our joint project aided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. We work in close cooperation with our scientific partners the VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut and the TU Dortmund.