
We pursue bold ideas. Partnerships play an important role in these activities. In a highly diversified, global and international network, new ideas are generated and new impulses are given to research. This is why we involve external partners in our innovation processes and maintain numerous contacts with science and business.

Collaborations with academia
Collaborations with outstanding scientists are an important source of innovations. This is why we maintain close relations with many universities and research institutes.
Společnost BASF přivítala do rodiny pěnových hmot novinku, která vznikla na základě kombinace technologických zkušeností firmy s částicovou pěnou a termoplastickými polyuretany. Nový lehčený termoplastický polyuretan (E - TPU), uvádí BASF na trh pod názvem Infinergy™.
Collaborations with industry
A few projects that are representative of the numerous cooperative ventures we are pursuing together with our partners from industry are described below.