
Working at the Site

Every working day around 39,000 employees make their way to work at their employer in Ludwigshafen. This is more than a third of BASF’s employees worldwide. They work in a wide range of different roles: from production, research and development through to marketing, sales and a large number of other areas. BASF trains junior recruits in around 30 different training professions in Ludwigshafen. The focus here is on production and engineering.

Training & Career
Information all about training and career options at BASF.
Work-life Management
Getting the right balance between work and private life is the crucial foundation for happy employees who are able to perform to their capabilities.
Jules Tchana und Sven Heinrich, beide Chemikanten, bei einem Kontrollgang in der Wasserstoffanlage. Diese Anlage produziert nicht nur Wasserstoff, sondern speist auch Dampf in das 40 bar Netz des BASF Verbundstandorts Ludwigshafen ein. 

Chemical technicians Jules Tchana and Sven Heinrich carry out an inspection in the hydrogen plant. This plant not only produces hydrogen, it also feeds steam into the pressurized (40 bar) network at BASF’s Verbund site in Ludwigshafen.
Contractors, tenants & site partners
Important information for the work at the Ludwigshafen site (German only).