Who we are
Verbund integration is at the core of our portfolio and one of BASF’s main strength. In our Verbund, we intelligently connect our production plants and technologies to efficiently use resources and leverage our expertise.
Our portfolio enjoys unique benefits through physical, technological, market-related and digital Verbund advantages. With its six Verbund sites and around 230 additional production sites, BASF supports customers and partners in almost every country in the world. Verbund is the physical integration of production, market platforms and technologies which tie the businesses together.
The Verbund system creates efficient value chains that extend from basic chemicals right through to high-value-added products such as coatings and crop protection agents. In addition, the by-products of one plant can be used as the starting materials of another. In this system, chemical processes consume less energy, produce higher product yields and conserve resources. In that manner, we save on raw materials and energy, minimize emissions, cut logistics costs and exploit synergies. These solutions enable BASF to sustain competitiveness in every world region while making our customers more successful.
We will continue to lead the industry in building and developing Verbund structures and in consolidating operations at a reduced number of highly efficient sites.