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BASF Louisiana Employee Assistance Information
BASF Louisiana - Flood Update - 8/19/16
All non-essential personnel should plan to report to the Geismar, North Geismar, and Zachary sites on Monday, Aug. 22. We understand that employees in some circumstances may not be able to report. Please talk with your supervisor.
For all essential personnel who have worked through the week, we appreciate your patience and support!
Employee Assistance - BASF employees at Geismar, North Geismar and Zachary sites impacted by the flooding should call the BASF Employee Assistance Line (toll-free) 1-800-660-9880 and press “0” to talk to a BASF representative about your situation between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Employees can also visit http://www.basf.us/laflood for assistance information.
BASF’s priority is to ensure the safety of employees, the community and operations at our sites.
Continue to stay safe, watch out for each other and take care!
8/17/16—BASF Employee Assistance Hotline Open
All BASF Louisiana employees affected by the recent flooding can call the BASF Employee Assistance Line (toll-free): 1-800-660-9880 and press “0” to talk to a BASF representative about your situation between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. this week. Outside of the call center hours, employees can leave a voice message. Please state your name, best phone number and email twice. A BASF representative will return your call as soon as possible.
8/16/16 - BASF Louisiana Flood Update
Non-essential BASF personnel at Geismar, North Geismar and Zachary sites are not required to report to work for the remainder of the week through Aug. 21 unless otherwise discussed with your supervisor.
For all essential personnel who can report to work, we appreciate your patience and support as we work through this situation. Keep open communications with your supervisor.
BASF continues to provide assistance to employees who have been impacted by the flooding in Louisiana. Employees should continue to check in with supervisors to communicate safety and any personal impact from the flooding.
BASF’s priority is to ensure the safety of employees, the community and operations at our sites.
Continue to stay safe, watch out for each other and take care!
8/15/16 - BASF Louisiana Flood Update
BASF continues to provide assistance to employees at our Geismar, North Geismar and Zachary sites who have been impacted by the flooding in Louisiana. Employees should continue to check in with supervisors to communicate safety and any personal impact from the flooding.
Federal Aid Assistance
To apply for Federal Aid Assistance
- Register online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov
- Call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) a. Operations from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (CST) seven days a week until further notice.
- Updated FEMA Federal Aid Program Fact Sheet a. http://www.fema.gov/news-release/2016/08/14/federal-aid-programs-state-louisiana
Have this information ready when you apply:
• Social Security Number
• Address of the damaged home or apartment
• Description of the damage
• Information about insurance coverage
• Telephone Number
• Mailing address
• Back account & routing numbers for direct deposit of funds.
Affected property owners should meticulously track damage to their homes to make it easier to seek compensation.
Wymar Federal Credit Union
WYMAR Credit Union, located in the Geismar Main Admin. Building, is open daily until 4:15 p.m.
If you have been impacted by flooding, Wymar FCU is offering emergency Disaster Assistance Loans to members in need. In addition, staff is available to assist members who may anticipate problems making loan payments.
Please contact Wymar at 225-339-7191 if you need help or via email at wymar@wymarfcu.com.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Dealing with these types of event can be very stressful. BASF has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through ComPsych/GuidanceResources that provides support, resources and confidential counseling services that help address stress or other personal issues you and your family may face. GuidanceResources is company-sponsored, confidential and is provided at no-cost to you and your dependents.
This service is available 24-hour by calling 1-844-FOR.BASF (367-2273) or going online to http://www.guidanceresources.com/ (enter Organization Web ID: BASF1 when registering for the first time).
How to Request Governmental Resources
The following are important channels for providing resources to those who need them once an emergency or disaster has occurred:
• Intrastate Mutual Aid Compact (IMAC)
• Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)
• Volunteer and Relief Organizations
Intrastate Mutual Aid Compact (IMAC)
When prevention, response and recovery needs exceed a Parish’s capacity, a Parish can reach out to other Parishes for assistance through mutual aid agreements (MAAs) between emergency responders to lend assistance across jurisdictional boundaries, OR through the Interstate Mutual Aid Compact (IMAC) when an MAA is not already in place.
Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)
When prevention, response and recovery needs exceed the State’s capacity, States can reach out to other States for assistance through a nationally adopted mutual aid agreement (MMA) called Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) to share resources during times of emergency or disaster. EMAC is the Nation’s most efficient, effective, and preeminent interstate mutual aid system.
Volunteer + Relief Organizations
Resources can also come through donations and volunteer organizations. The Louisiana Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (LAVOAD) helps coordinate volunteer initiatives, services and communications so that volunteer resources and donations are used efficiently and effectively.
Returning Home
• Have an electrician check the electrical system and appliances. Keep the power off until an electrician has inspected the system for safety. All electrical equipment should be checked and dried before returned to service.
• If the gas has been turned off for any reason, it must be turned back on by a professional.
• Throw away medicine, food or water that had contact with floodwaters (including canned goods).
• If water is of questionable purity, boil drinking water for 10 minutes until authorities declare water supply is safe to drink.
• Restrict children from playing in flooded areas.
• Keep windows and doors open for ventilation.
• Clean and disinfect everything that got wet.
• Service damaged sewage systems as soon as possible.
Documenting Damage
• Take pictures of the damage, both of the building and its contents, for insurance claims.
• Use an app or camera with a time and date stamp on all pictures.
• If you take video footage of damage, do not talk during the video.
• Take pictures of water lines on all sides of the house, apartment, etc. and leave a small amount of sheet rock up to indicate water line inside the building.
• Keep copies of all documentation provided to FEMA, etc.
Repair and Rebuild
• If you or someone you know does not have flood insurance who needs help mucking out their homes, please have them call 1-800-451-1954 for free help from local relief agencies. Service is set to end on 9/16/2016.
• Verify contractors and repair personnel are licensed, insured and accredited. Make sure to have all repair contracts in writing. o The Better Business Bureau and Angie’s List can assist in finding reputable repair companies.
• Immediately remove wet carpeting, furniture and bedding. Any item holding moisture can develop mold within 24 to 48 hours. Clean and disinfect everything touched by floodwaters.
• Thoroughly dry out the building’s interior. Portable dehumidifiers are useful, and rental costs may be covered under your flood policy. An air conditioner can also be used to start the drying-out process.
• If walls are damaged, take photographs of the baseboard, then remove the baseboard. Knock small holes at floor level in the drywall, between the wall studs. This will permit moisture trapped behind the drywall to seep out and start drying.
• Have your furnace checked for damage. Your water heater may work, but if the floodwater covered part or the entire tank, the insulation between the walls may be damaged. Obtain an estimate to replace the damaged furnace and water heater.
• Contact your local building inspections, planning, or county clerk’s office to get more information on local building requirements before repairing your building. If you can’t find a local contact, call your state NFIP coordinator. Contact information can be found at floods.org/statepocs/stcoor.asp.
• Do not approach wild animals that take refuge in your home. Wild animals often seek refuge from floodwaters on upper levels of homes and have been known to remain after water recedes. Call your local animal control office or wildlife resource office to handle the situation.
• From now through September 16, 2016, Information Technology Disaster Resource Center and VisionLink are staffing and supporting a free hotline for the survivors of the Louisiana/Mississippi floods. This hotline will connect survivors with reputable and vetted relief agencies that will assist in cleaning and mucking out homes. All services are free.
Multiple Federal Aid Programs for the State of Louisiana
• Assistance for affected individuals and families can include: rental payments for temporary housing, grants for home repairs and replacement of essential household items, grants to replace personal property, unemployment payments, low-interest loans to cover residential losses not compensated by insurance, loans for small businesses, private, non-profit organizations, farmers, ranchers, small agricultural cooperatives, crisis counseling, income tax assistance, veterans’ benefits, etc.
• Apply for assistance: Application procedures for state, tribal, and local governments will be explained at a series of federal/state applicant briefings with locations to be announced in the affected area by recovery officials. Approved public repair projects are paid through the state from funding provided by FEMA and other participating federal agencies. Read more: http://blog.fema.gov
Federal Disaster Declaration Request
President Barack Obama officially granted a major disaster declaration request for these parishes:
• Acadia
• Ascension
• East Baton Rouge
• East Feliciana
• Iberia
• Lafayette
• Livingston
• Pointe Coupee
• St. Helena
• St. Landry
• Tangipahoa
• Vermilion