Who we are
Welcome to BASF in Port Arthur, Texas
The Port Arthur site is one of the world’s largest steam crackers, representing a $1.5 billion investment by BASF Corporation and TotalEnergies. The steam cracker transforms crude oil and natural gas into chemical building blocks for many consumer and industrial goods. Our C4 Olefins Complex houses one of the world's largest butadiene extraction facility and an indirect alkylation unit.
The Port Arthur site produces: Ethylene, used for anti-freeze, polyester, plastics and pharmaceuticals; Propylene, used for plastics, diapers and adhesives; Butadiene, used in the production of rubber and plastics.

- One of the world’s largest steam crackers representing a $1.5 billion investment by BASF Corporation and TotalEnergies.
- The steam cracker turns a wide range of feedstocks such as ethane, propane, butane and naphtha into ethylene, propylene, butadiene and other chemical raw materials.
- The cracker was revamped in 2013 to process lighter feeds and a 10th furnace was added in 2014. The additional furnace improves feedstock flexibility, enhances plant reliability, and increases annual production capacity of ethylene to more than one million metric tons.
Community Relations
The company and employee volunteers support numerous charitable and community organizations, including United Way, Miracle Match for Life, Be the Match, and area educational programs. Port Arthur employees help to bring the BASF Kids’ Lab to local school classrooms to encourage children (ages 6 – 12) to use problem solving skills to complete safe and engaging hands-on chemistry experiments.

Joint Venture
BASF Corporation – 60%
TotalEnergies – 40%