Rhode Island
Welcome to the BASF Cranston, RI Community Outreach Website.
Welcome to the former Ciba Geigy facility community update website
This site serves as a source of news and information regarding progress at the former Ciba Geigy facility located in Cranston, Rhode Island for the residents and surrounding communities.
Under the guidance of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM), BASF, as the current property owner, is implementing measures to ensure the site remedy and restoration efforts achieve these three key objectives:
1. To make sure that the former Ciba Geigy facility in Cranston is protective of human health and the environment;
2. To ensure the remediation activities facilitate reuse and repurpose of portions of the property; and
3. To preserve and enhance the ecological assets of the property in a manner that creates value to the local community and region.
More Information

August 2024 - BASF submitted a river Sediment Sampling Plan to EPA to conduct additional investigation.
August 2024 – BASF submitted a Sediment Cap Inspection work plan to EPA.
August 2024 – BASF submitted a Remediation Action Plan to EPA.
Update - February 2025
In January 2025, EPA welcomed a new project manager for the site. BASF is in active discussions with the EPA regarding their recent feedback on the sediment work plans. Once these work plans are approved, BASF will begin sampling, which will assist in the development of a remedy.
Stay tuned for more updates on scheduling.