Contracted Services
Site Entry Requirements
NOTE: BASF considers all documents you download and/or print from this page non-controlled.
Contractor Badge Request
Each person requiring access to the BASF Beaumont site will need to get a contractor badge from Site Security. Submit a list of names and the last six digits of each person’s Social Security number to Site Security and the Project Manager or your site’s contact person at least 48 hours before your company’s start date using the attached visitor registration form. Entrants must present a current, “permanent“ ISTC badge with specific training to the Security staff before Security will assign a BASF Beaumont contractor badge. The contractor must contact the Industrial Safety Training Council (ISTC) to schedule personnel.
Requirements for BASF Beaumont:
- Order graded background check and SSN verification through ISTC.
- Submit the background check verification form 48 hours before arrival. (Submit to Paul Krenning and Tesha Young.)
- ISTC BASF Beaumont site-specific
- Submit visitor registration form 48 hours before arrival. (See below. Submit to Paul Krenning and Tesha Young.)
- Contractors must present a white ISTC badge for site entry. Contractors must not report to site with a blue ISTC badge.
Per our current contract with ISTC, all security requirements must be satisfied before safety training will be allowed to begin.
Contractor Vehicle Entry Request
All contractor personnel are required to attend the on-site safety orientation within the first week of arriving on site. Safety training occurs weekly.
Contractor Vehicle Entry Request
If vehicle entry is required, submit the name of the person who will be driving to the project manager or your site’s contact person at least 48 hours before your company’s start date. Please limit vehicle entry to one vehicle per company. Under no circumstances are personal vehicles allow to drive on plant roads.
If you will be parking or driving inside the facility, you will need to obtain a vehicle hang tag from Security. This tag identifies which parking area you will be allowed to use. If your company vehicle is issued an “orange” hang tag, do not park in the employee parking lots.
Personal and Vehicle Security Checks
All contractor personnel and contractor vehicles that enter/exit the Beaumont Site consent to security checks.
Please click here to read Procurement's letter advising of requirements and background check criteria.