“Cool” buildings around the world
Facing the energy challenges, sustainability has become undoubtedly the biggest trend of the future buildings. At present, buildings reducing energy consumption and minimizing pollution have emerged all around the world, which also provide people with a healthy and comfortable living environment.

Center for Sustainable Building Housing in Wales
Center for Sustainable Building Housing operates out of a specially refurbished building designed to test and showcase new sustainable technologies, for which BASF provides energy- efficient thermal management solutions.
Musée des Confluences in Lyons
Musée des Confluences has become a new landmark in Lyons, France. The so-called “crystal” building consists of modern glass and steel structure, where BASF provides the protective coating to the facade to ensure its everlasting color.

Ginger & Fred in Prague
Ginger & Fred building is also known as The Dancing House. BASF’s architectural solution is used throughout the renovating process of this old building, providing it with thermal insulation system solutions.
Orjin office building in Istanbul
The all-black facade of the building is no doubt impressive, but with a fatal flaw - it will absorb more than 95% of solar radiation and make the interior really hot in summer. BASF’s pigments guarantee a cool look of the black building, while creating a really cool indoor environment.

Burj Khalifa in Dubai
Burj Kalifa is almost 820 meters high. For the construction of the tower, BASF developed a concrete mix that can be pumped to a height of 600 meters without segregating. Thanks to its admixture Glenium Sky 504, the concrete can be worked for more than three hours and then hardens quickly. This means a shorter construction time and gives the building a longer useful life, in this way making it more sustainable.
National Aquatics Center in Beijing
Also called Water Cube, the National Aquatics Center is one of the landmark buildings for the Beijing Olympics 2008. BASF offered it sound-protection foam solutions.

Landsea Passive House “Bruck” in Zhejiang Province
It is first to be designed and built by Chinese developer for hot summer/cold winter climate of Yangtze River Delta region.
CasaE in Sao Paulo
By using BASF’s sustainable products and construction techniques, the 400-squre- meter CasaE is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is the first energy-efficient building in Brazil.