
General Questions

Do you have questions about our job search or do you have already a profile in one of our regional online application systems and you can't find the right access link? Here you get the answers!

The global job search shows open position for all BASF Group companies worldwide. If you have found an interesting position, you are at first forwarded to BASF’s talent community.

After the registration, you will be redirected automatically to the matching regional online application system. BASF uses different application systems depending on the location of the advertised job position. You can find an overview of the different systems here.

You can register for a newsletter via BASF’s global Talent Community to get information and news on the latest jobs at BASF. Membership in the talent community is not equivalent with membership in the European Talent Pool (ETP), which is by invitation-only. The registration in the talent community does not constitute an application.

We recommend uploading documents with the following formats: PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point (PPT) or text. The maximum file size must not be larger than 10 MB each. If you still cannot upload your documents, please use our contact form.

You can remove your application at any time on the online application system. Please log in with your credentials and go to “Job Management” and “Jobs Applied”. Select the application and click on “Withdraw Application”.

You can delete your profile within the system. To do so, please login, enter your candidate profile and click on “Delete Profile”. After you have deleted your profile, there is no way to login again. In case you would like to return, you have to register again to create a new profile on our system.

You can interrupt your application at any time. By clicking on "Save", your draft will be saved in your profile. As long as you do not click "Send Application", you can complete your application at a later date provided that the position is still vacant.

If you register on our online application system, you will be asked to agree to our data privacy statement including data storage. If you have already registered, you will find the respective data privacy statement on your candidate profile.

Go to the Success Factors login page and select “Forgot your password?” to request a new password for your account at BASF.

You will receive an email that includes a new password. If the reset did not work, please use our contact form to send us your request.


You can access your online application system by clicking HERE.

You can find an overview of the different regional systems here.

Automatic data transfer is a new feature in our application system for Africa, Middle East, Russia & CIS and Ukraine.

After you registered on our system you can upload a CV as a file from your hard drive. The system recognizes and then transmits all relevant data to the matching fields, and in the end, you only have to check the transmitted data and correct it if necessary and then continue with your application.

Instead of transmitting data via your CV, you can also transfer your data from LinkedIn. After clicking on the respective button within the job posting you will be asked to provide BASF with access to your data. We will then transfer your data once. There will be no permanent connection to the portal. You can still enter your data manually.

Yes, in case you would like to apply for a job in Western Europe (e.g. Germany, France, United Kingdom), North America or Asia Pacific. When you want to apply in another region, you might have to register again.  

Via our global job search you are always redirected to the correct online application system. Here, you can find an overview of the various systems in the regions.

Please describe your incident in our contact form.