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Results: 197

Sustainability | Energy & climate | Innovations | Resources | September 1, 2021

BASF completes purchase of 49.5% of the offshore wind farm Hollandse Kust Zuid from Vattenfall

Following the approval of all relevant authorities, BASF has today successfully completed the purchase of 49.5% of the offshore wind farm Hollandse Kust Zuid from Vattenfall. The closing of the transaction, originally expected for the fourth quarter of 2021, was completed earlier than planned.
Sustainability | Energy & climate | Innovations | Resources | August 25, 2021

BASF secures renewable energy for catalyst plant in Poland

BASF Polska has signed a two-year contract with PGE Obrót S.A. to purchase electricity produced entirely from renewable energy sources - mainly wind - to power its Mobile Emissions Catalysts plant in Sroda Slaska.
Sustainability | Energy & climate | Innovations | Resources | August 24, 2021

BASF drives innovation with new global Catalyst Development and Solids Processing Center

BASF is strengthening its global catalyst development and helping customers to bring new products faster to the market. As part of this strategy, BASF is building a new pilot plant center at its Ludwigshafen site. The new Catalyst Development and Solids Processing Center will serve as a global hub for pilot-scale production and process innovations of chemical catalysts.
CO2 Reduction
Sustainability | Energy & climate | August 9, 2021

BASF to license its digital solution and methodology for Product Carbon Footprint calculation to partners

BASF starts sharing its proprietary digital solution and methodology for Product Carbon Footprint calculation to third parties active in the software space via licensing agreements. Based on BASF’s methodology, the partners will develop a software for implementation at other industry players. 
Sustainability | Energy & climate | July 29, 2021

Eni and BASF launch joint R&D initiative to reduce the CO2 footprint of the transportation sector

The cooperation aims to develop a new technology to produce advanced bio-propanol from glycerin, a side stream of the production of industrial biodiesel (FAME, fatty acid methyl ester), that Eni will purchase from European producers. The technology under development involves the conversion of glycerin to propanol via an innovative, catalytic hydrotreatment process.
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