

Der Leiter der Rad- und Reifenentwicklung Dr. Günter Leister, Daimler AG, und die Entwicklungsingenieurin Judith Reiser, Daimler AG, begutachten zusammen mit BASF-Anwendungsentwickler Dr. Heiko Heß die Leichtbaufelge aus Ultramid® Structure. Dies ist die erste großserientaugliche Kunststoff-Felge.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.

The head of wheel and tire development Dr. Günter Leister, Daimler AG, and the development engineer Judith Reiser, Daimler AG, assess together with BASF application developer Dr. Heiko Heß the lightweight wheel rim of Ultramid® Structure. This is the first polymer wheel rim suitable for mass production.
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.,Der Leiter der Rad- und Reifenentwicklung Dr. Günter Leister, Daimler AG, und die Entwicklungsingenieurin Judith Reiser, Daimler AG, begutachten zusammen mit BASF-Anwendungsentwickler Dr. Heiko Heß die Leichtbaufelge aus Ultramid® Structure. Dies ist die erste großserientaugliche Kunststoff-Felge.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.

The head of wheel and tire development Dr. Günter Leister, Daimler AG, and the development engineer Judith Reiser, Daimler AG, assess together with BASF application developer Dr. Heiko Heß the lightweight wheel rim of Ultramid® Structure. This is the first polymer wheel rim suitable for mass production.
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

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We are lucky at BASF, because we have already established certain values in our corporate culture that differentiate us from our competitors. Values that all employees experience and live every day – and one of them is connectedness.

Connectedness, that means good relationships: Among ourselves and with our customers and partners. This is reflected in interdisciplinary and international projects, at customer events, through social commitment and further initiatives, where one thing is always the focus: Bringing individuals with all their knowledge together to solve global problems and create a sustainable future for us all.

We call that:
The power of connected minds.