Plastics & Rubber

Together on the hunt for ideas: BASF trend scouts at K for the first time

On the hunt for trends, materials and business models of the future: BASF trend scouts

How can ideas become ideal solutions? This is the unfiying theme for BASF at K2016. In order to not just have ideas pop up occasionally but in a result-oriented process, BASF has installed a specialized team that will start idea-hunting with customers and other interested parties at K: The trend scouts. Their goal: Discover and implement new business opportunities together with customers and partners – based on developments in industries, consumer behaviour and regulation.  

What really counts is what drives our customers

In order to detect trends, the BASF-scouts analyze the needs, markets and applications of current customers as well as further leading companies – beyond the traditional industry boundaries. In addition, they systematically evaluate the findings of foresight networks as well as professional trend- and future consulting institutes. From the multitude of different trends, they distill those topics that will matter the most in tomorrow's world of plastics.– be it new mobility concepts, sustainable supply chains or disruptive working concepts.

Thomas Stührenberg:

  • 35 years
  • Economist and Engineer
  • Hobbies: Swimming, Cycling, Reading, Poetry and Travel  

Uwe Seemann:

  • 35 years
  • Chemist
  • Hobbies: Sports, Reading, Gaming and Gardening

Use the opportunity at K 2016: Discuss you ideas with our scouts, challenge them and let’s jointly turn an idea into an ideal solution.

A first impression of our scouts‘ work was delivered with the recently published study „Material Selection 2016/17“. Published exclusively for customers and partners and aimed at designers and creatives from all industries, the trend study is an invitation for customers to think about products and materials of the future together with BASF. In combination with our broad product portfolio and our experience in material consultation, the study is the ideal foundation to let the innovative ideas of our customers become reality as quickly as possible.