Plastics & Rubber

Unique competencies under new brand names: Ultrajoin and Ultratest

BASF offers its customers more than just a broad material portfolio. We accompany them in every phase of product development by providing a complete development environment starting from design support and CAE methods in the early stages up to validation experiments and experimental parts optimization in the later phases. At K2016, we will introduce new brands for two of these services: Ultrajoin™ and Ultratest™.

These brands stand for the manifold customer support capabilities and activities regarding parts performance analyses by experimental methods (often simplified as “Parts Testing”) and our unparalleled know-how and infrastructure for joining technologies.

“The support we are offering in these two areas is really unique” explains Ulrich Endemann, Head of Parts Testing and Joining Technologies at E-PME. “At K2016, we will show how we help our customers to go from ideas to ideal solutions faster, more reliably and more efficiently with Ultratest™ and Ultrajoin™.”

This support is provided worldwide and is requested in all development phases from material development via application development and simulation to parts analysis for serial production.

The Ultrajoin™ performance package adds value by:

  • Support regarding all joining technologies for plastics in serial production
  • Application-specific selection of suitable joining methods
  • Advise regarding design of joining areas
  • Characterization and quality evaluation of joinings
  • Enabling more effective and more conomic joining processes
  • Flexible support at the customers’ site

The Ultratest™ performance package includes:

  • Manifold customer-specific testings and evaluations of parts properties
  • Parts performance analyses under different boundary conditions
  • Evaluation of parts quality and weak points
  • Customer-specific testing setups
  • Access to BASF´s extensive testing experience
  • Supporting the validation and enhancement of simulation methods
  • Advise regarding designing with plastics

As an additional benefit, both service packages rely on the extensive internal and external BASF network of expertise.

At K2016, we will not only present our unique capabilities with Ultrajoin™ and Ultratest™ but customer will also be able to easily spot the projects where these services have already played a crucial role. Just watch out for the “supported by Ultratest™ / Ultrajoin™” label at the media tables – or talk to our experts directly.