
Facts and Figures

We aim for a rate of no more than 0.05 High Severity Injury per two hundred thousand working hours by 2030.

Beginning in 2018, we adapted our reporting on accidents to the recommendations of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), the European Chemical Industry Council (cefic) and the German Chemicals Industry Association (VCI). To implement these recommendations, we also had to convert our targets. In 2023, we have adjusted our targets and are now focusing on Work Process-Related High-Severity Injuries (HSI). These continue to be based on established industry standards, with a stronger focus on people.

In 2023, 0.02 HSI per 200,000 working hours1 were recorded at BASF sites worldwide.

Despite our efforts, there were two fatal work-related injuries in 2024: A contractor was fatally injured on the major construction site in Zhanjiang, China. Another contractor was involved in a fatal traffic accident during a business trip in Vietnam.

1Hours worked by BASF employees, temporary employees and contractors