Working conditions at BASF
Basis for our actions: Compliance with international labor and social standards.
We are committed to international law and social standards. Our internal standards embrace this commitment and go beyond in many areas. Our commitment to respect internationally accepted work and social standards is anchored in our global Code of Conduct. Essential reference points are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the ILO’s Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy.
To achieve worldwide compliance with these standards within BASF, we chose a management approach that consists of the following three elements:
- Our BASF Compliance Program (including Compliance Hotlines)
- Stakeholder dialogue (e.g. with employee representatives, international organizations, NGOs)
- Our group-wide BASF policy on respect for international labor and social standards and our risk-based management process (based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights).
Compliance Program (“BASF’s Compliance Management System”)
BASF's Compliance Program is a fundamental component of our value “responsible”. Important elements of this program include key internal policies and standards, leadership commitment, appropriate corrective measures (including discipline) to address violations or potential gaps, systematic compliance training for employees and management, and the availability of the Compliance Hotlines for employees and third parties worldwide. Violations of applicable law or internal directives can have adverse effects on BASF. Violations can be avoided or stopped by employees seeking timely advice or raising concerns. For this reason, employees are required to speak up and seek advice in cases of doubt regarding their own conduct, the conduct of others, or BASF’s processes in the work environment. The Compliance Hotlines are open to all our employees to seek advice or raise concerns. The global Compliance Hotline is provided by an external provider of telephone and web-based hotline services and offers the possibility to raise concerns confidentially and even anonymously. BASF strictly prohibits retaliation against any person who raises a concern or complaint in “good faith.”
Stakeholder Engagement
Our value "open" comprises the commitment for a dialog with our stakeholders based on honesty, respect and mutual trust. An open dialog helps to identify new developments at an early stage, to address open issues and to find solutions. For the area of employment conditions, our primary partners are our employees and their representatives. Furthermore, we leverage the expertise of global and regional initiatives and associations as well as local committees and actively engage in dialog. We promote continuous exchange between residents and our site management and strengthen trust in our activities with community advisory panels. We also engage in networks such as the UN Global Compact and also seek direct dialog with organizations such as the ILO, trade unions, and NGOs of the civil society. Learn more about our Stakeholder Engagement.
BASF guideline on respect for international labour standards and management process
As part of our global, risk-based management process, we regularly monitor and evaluate compliance with our group-wide BASF policy on international labor and social standards. The guideline relates to employees and leaders worldwide as well as to agency workers and freelancers. If the national law contains no or lower requirements, action plans are drawn up to close these gaps. If conflicts with national law or practices arise, we strive to act in accordance with our values and internationally recognized principles without violating the law of the country concerned.
For example, approximately 90% of BASF employees are employed by a company where working conditions are based on a collective agreement with trade unions or agreements with an internal employee representatives. However, we are also committed to social dialog with employee representatives where freedom of association is not guaranteed under national law to the same extent as in European legal systems.