Assuming Responsibility
Our general approach towards all our suppliers is that we act responsibly and expect the same from our partners. Based on a risk evaluation of our suppliers, we conduct sustainability risk assessments by means of independent auditors or service providers. Whenever we become aware of violations, we urge our suppliers to address and end these. Where indicated, we support our partners, civil society or cross-industry initiatives to commonly address challenges. In other cases, we explore business alternatives and reserve the right to terminate business relations.
The Marikana Incident
In August 2012, there was a strike at Lonmin platinum operations in Marikana, South Africa. An escalation of tensions culminated in violent confrontations between mine workers and armed South African policemen. 44 people died over the course of one week.
After assessing the causes of the incident, Lonmin changed its leadership team, implemented lessons learned and started activities to get to the root causes. Lonmin set up a fund to support the families and children of the deceased mine workers and to provide schooling to these children.
In 2019, Lonmin was acquired by Sibanye-Stillwater. As the new owner, Sibanye-Stillwater immediately addressed the legacy of Marikana and assessed ways to respond, not only for victims’ families but also for the Marikana community more broadly.
Merger with Sibanye-Stillwater in 2019
With this acquisition, Sibanye-Stillwater became one of the world’s leading producers of platinum group metals (PGM).
Since 2018, BASF has been participating in an exchange on sustainability topics with Sibanye-Stillwater. In 2019, BASF and Sibanye-Stillwater agreed to cooperate in stakeholder dialogues and foster collaboration with stakeholders for the common good. This includes the “Courageous Conversations Dialogue” at the invitation of the Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town to discuss community projects.
Sibanye-Stillwater takes an approach that is focused on local development and business opportunities for the community. Part of this is the "Marikana Renewal" that seeks "[...] healing and collaboration to create the long-term future of the Marikana region".
eTfS Audit and IRMA commitment
Sibanye-Stillwater agreed to follow up on the eTfS (enhanced Together for Sustainability) audit process and in January 2020 underwent a full audit. The resulting findings were addressed in a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) with recommendations and timelines.
When the CAP was closed in 2022, BASF and Sibanye-Stillwater agreed that future audits would follow the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) mining standard. Sibanye-Stillwater is a member and supporter of the International Platinum Group Metals Association (IPA) that regularly exchanges on ESG topics. Measures include conducting comprehensive sustainability audits and sharing factors for success. BASF and Sibanye-Stillwater continue to share progress on a regular basis and also use this format for dialogue on other sustainability topics.
Marikana Memorial Day
Sibanye-Stillwater developed a new vision for the reconciliation and regeneration of Marikana that includes long-term sustainable projects for the local communities surrounding Marikana. Sibanye-Stillwater has sought to intensify engagement with many of its stakeholders in and around Marikana, particularly with those most directly affected by the tragedy, namely the families of the deceased. Sibanye-Stillwater continues the tradition of organizing a Marikana Memorial Day to honor the victims and promote dialogue and engagement. Find more about Marikana Memorial activities here.
Also learn more about the book launch "Marikana - eine offene Wunde" on Youtube (Marikana - an open wound) and the Bench Marks Foundation’s article "10 Years Since Marikana, The Death of South African Innocence".
Industry Sustainability Initiative
In 2018, BASF, together with other entities, started a sustainability initiative under the International Platinum Group Metals Association (IPA). Under this initiative, IPA members regularly meet to discuss and address industry challenges. IPA membership comprises key South African PGM mining houses and their customers, among these BASF.
IPA members agreed to a sustainability initiative under the IPA Sustainability Committee to improve living and working conditions of people in communities around mining operations. Important elements of this initiative include comprehensive sustainability audits in the South African PGM sector, exchanges on success factors regarding community challenges and best practices. IPA members endorse audit principles on the quality of schemes assuring sustainability performance and committed to auditing sites under this scheme. The audit principles are based on internationally recognized standards, commensurate with the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), TfS’s mining standards and ISEAL quality principles. IPA platinum mines are committed to carrying out audits on their operations under this sustainability assurance scheme.