

engineer working at BASF production site at night overlooking the city

Primary and secondary protection measures

In 2024, as part of the Senior Project "Process Safety Excellence," a revised risk matrix was approved and implemented with the aim of optimizing process safety. The risk matrix assesses the risks arising from potential incident based on their probability and severity. The resulting risk classes are used to determine appropriate preventive safety measures.

Primary safety measures interrupt a chain of events or prevent the consequences. These primary safety measures can work alone or in combination and form a safety layer. If one or more safety layers, comprising primary safety measures could fail, other measures should be taken to further mitigate the effects of a release. These are known as the secondary safety measures. Examples include gas detectors to detect a release, firefighting equipment, pressure resistant design of control rooms, block systems, secondary containments and catch tanks. All primary and secondary safety measures are designed to complement each other and prevent undesired consequences if one or more of these safety layers fail. 


We are constantly working to increase the availability of our plants and determine the right point in time for maintenance measures and revamping/refurbishment. The aim is to further reduce unscheduled shutdowns.