Who we are

Company Benefits at a Glance

Company health insurance: Here is a look inside the service counter area of the company health insurance fund in 1959.
1866   The first factory physician is employed
1871   A workers’ pension fund is established
1872   Construction starts for the first residential center for workers (Hemshof colony)
1875   The sick fund is established
1884   The company health insurance is established
1892   Construction starts for Europe’s first public sanatorium for lung disease in Dannenfels
1900   Opening of the Company Library
1908   Vacation for workers is introduced
1913   Today’s Feierabendhaus is opened
1921   Start of the cultural program
1922   Introduction of company welfare
1951   Sick pay is introduced
1986   The program “Parents and Child” allows parents to take longer leave after the birth of a child
2005   The Learning Center is opened in Ludwigshafen for individual further education
2005   Opening of the nursery "LuKids"
2006   BASF responds to the change in demographics with “Generations@Work”
2013   Opening of the employee center for work-life management (LuMit")