Who we are

1866 / First Company Phyiscian

Just one year after its founding, BASF hires a company physician – the very first in the German chemical industry. The Medical Department thereby founded moves into a new well-equipped outpatient clinic around 1900. The Royal Bavarian Occupational Physician responsible at the time lauds its „remarkable treatment and operating facilities, x-ray room, halls for physical therapy and medicinal baths.“

Erste Ambulanz auf dem Werksgelände,Erste Ambulanz auf dem Werksgel‰nde
Exterior view of the first outpatient clinic on the site, 1913
Innenaufnahme der ersten Ambulanz auf dem Werksgelände - 1886,Innenaufnahme der ersten Ambulanz auf dem Werksgel‰nde - 1886
Inside view of the first outpatient clinic, 1886