Who we are


BASF first committed itself to the concept of Sustainable Development on October 13, 1994 – specifically within the framework of its adopted Vision 2010 – and this date therefore marks the birth of sustainability at BASF.

Over the following years, BASF provided sustainability with a scope of action and an organizational structure. The concept was incorporated into the company’s values and guidelines, as well as in the strategy. BASF also developed structures to establish sustainability at the highest level of its organization.

What happened in 1994? – watch the interview with Dr. Rolf-Dieter Acker, former head of the BASF central department public relations

What was initially defined as a long-term goal in Vision 2010, was integrated into the BASF ‘constitution’ (the company’s former corporate guidelines) three years later. In the version from 1997, the guidelines included a firm commitment to Sustainable Development. 
Der Dämmstoff Styrodur® C (XPS) schützt Gebäude vor Hitze und Kälte und ist als grüne Hartschaumplatte ein Produkt der BASF direkt für den Endkunden in der Bauindustrie. Sein Materialgefüge ist homogener und feinporiger als das von herkömmlichem Styropor und damit wesentlich stabiler. Daher wird Styrodur C auch hauptsächlich zur Dämmung in druckbeanspruchten Anwendungen wie Fußböden eingesetzt.

Vergrößerung 150 : 1 (bei 12cm Bildbreite)

Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.

The insulating material Styrodur® C (XPS) protects buildings from high and low temperatures. This BASF product, in the form of green rigid foam panels, is directly available to end customers in the construction industry. Its material structure is more homogeneous and fi ne-pored than conventional Styropor and thus much more stable.
Magnification  150 :1 (12cm in width)

Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.
Organizational Structure
Along with binding requirements, BASF firmly embedded sustainability in the company through clear organizational structures. The decisive first step took place in 2001 with the founding of the sustainability council.