Who we are

Development and Expansion

The Master Plan on a Napkin
1990 - 1995
A Negotiation Marathon Begins
1996 - 1997
Lion Dance and Children's Choirs
1998 - 2002
Visions Turn Into Investments
2002 - 2003
Drogon Boat Races and Sounds of Air Harps
2006 - 2007
Germany and China - A Testing Time Strengthens the Bond
2008 - 2009
What Does the Future Hold for the World?
2011 - 2015

Header image
Production network of BASF’s joint venture in Nanjing. BASF-YPC Co. Ltd. produces about three million tons of basic chemical products and intermediates as well as polymers per year in Nanjing.
Status: 2014 (Photo: BASF-Archive)