
Share-price-based compensation program

The BASF Group’s share price-based compensation programs, or long-term incentive (LTI) programs, are cash-settled programs. If vested, the cash-settlement obligation is measured at fair value on every balance sheet date and recognized as a provision.

In 2023, the BASF Group continued offering its share price-based compensation program (LTI program), known as Strive!, which was launched in 2020. The share price-based compensation program known as “BOP” (BASF Option Program), which had existed since 1999, was offered for the last time in 2020. All option rights granted during the BOP program years remain valid until the end of their respective exercise periods.

Generally, members of the Board of Executive Directors and all senior executives are entitled to participate in the LTI programs.


BASF Option Program (BOP)

Last UpdateFebruary 23, 2024