
Quarterly Statement Q3 2021

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Latest Publication

BASF with continued strong performance in Q3 2021

  • Considerable sales growth of 42% to €19,669 million
  • EBIT before special items increases significantly to €1,865 million
  • 2021 outlook for sales raised to between €76 billion and €78 billion and for EBIT before special items to between €7.5 billion and €8.0 billion
BASF forscht weltweit an innovativen Kathodenmaterialien für hochleistungsfähige Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, die die Elektromobilität weiter voranbringen. Die Kathodenmaterialien bestehen in der Regel aus gemischten Metalloxiden. Im ersten Syntheseschritt werden hierfür verschiedene Metallsalze mithilfe von Natronlauge gefällt. Nach Reaktionsende lässt man den grünen Feststoff absetzen, und filtriert, wäscht und trocknet diesen. Anschließend wird er bei mehr als 700°C kalziniert zum fertigen Kathodenmaterial.
Financial Calendar

02/25/2022 - BASF Report 2021

04/29/2022 - Quarterly Statement Q1 2022

04/29/2022 - Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2022

07/27/2022 - Half-Year Financial Report 2022

10/26/2022 - Quarterly Statement Q3 2022

BASF Investor Update: New Verbund site in Zhanjiang and Battery Materials

BASF is committed to a 25 percent reduction of carbon emissions by 2030, using 2018 as the base year. At the same time, we are already working on new technologies and concepts to achieve our target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. At our new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, we are incorporating several innovative available process concepts in our planning that will contribute to our targets. “By 2030, when the Zhanjiang Verbund site is fully operational, we project that the CO2 emissions will be around 60 percent lower than that of a gas-based petrochemical facility of similar scope,” said Martin Brudermüller, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE at the BASF Investor Update event on September 27, 2021. Further, BASF targets to source 100 percent of the total power requirements, which will be more than 400 megawatts when the site is fully operational by 2030, from renewable sources. With this, the new Verbund site will be a key platform for long-term profitable and sustainable growth, not only in Greater China, but for BASF Group as a whole.

During the Investor Update, Markus Kamieth, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, also informed about BASF’s current activities in the battery materials business and our role as solution provider in the transformation of the automotive industry. Sustainability is also a guiding principle concerning the battery materials strategy: Our business approach includes the sourcing and trading of metals as well as the recycling and the lowering of carbon emissions as key requirement. “This is going to be a great platform for BASF to capture this biggest growth opportunity in the chemical industry,” said Kamieth. 

For further information please visit our event page

Last UpdateOctober 27, 2021