
BASF Investor Relations Magazine

Issues 2021

We are pleased to present you the Investor Relations Magazine. We publish this electronic journal four times a year immediately after the reporting dates.

Best wishes,
Your BASF Investor Relations Team

Full-Year 2021 Reporting on February 25, 2022
In this edition we issue our Full-Year Results 2021
BASF forscht weltweit an innovativen Kathodenmaterialien für hochleistungsfähige Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, die die Elektromobilität weiter voranbringen. Die Kathodenmaterialien bestehen in der Regel aus gemischten Metalloxiden. Im ersten Syntheseschritt werden hierfür verschiedene Metallsalze mithilfe von Natronlauge gefällt. Nach Reaktionsende lässt man den grünen Feststoff absetzen, und filtriert, wäscht und trocknet diesen. Anschließend wird er bei mehr als 700°C kalziniert zum fertigen Kathodenmaterial.
Quarterly Statement 3rd Quarter 2021, October 27, 2021
In this edition we issue our Quarterly Statement 3rd Quarter 2021.
Half-Year Financial Report 2021, July 28, 2021
In this edition we issue our Half-Year Financial Report 2021 and our Factbook.
The new acetylene plant at the Ludwigshafen site in Germany has an annual capacity of 90,000 metric tons. Around 20 plants at the site use acetylene as a chemical building block and starting material for manufacturing many everyday products, including pharmaceuticals, plastics, solvents, electronic chemicals and highly elastic textile fibers. BASF customers use these products in the automotive, pharmaceutical, construction, consumer goods and textile industries.

Quarterly Statement 1st Quarter 2021, April 29, 2021

In this edition we issue our Quarterly Statement Q1 2021 and the virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2021. 
Last UpdateFebruary 25, 2022