
Balance sheet

The audited BASF Report 2024 will be published on March 21, 2025. The key financial figures published on February 28, 2025, are therefore to be regarded as preliminary. From today’s perspective, no adjustments are expected.

Financial figures of BASF Group for 2024


Million € Dec. 31, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023
Intangible assets 11,983 12,216
Property, plant and equipment 27,197 24,080
Integral investments accounted for using the equity method 2,399 2,054
Non-integral investments accounted for using the equity method 3,411 4,518
Other financial assets 1,165 1,099
Deferred tax assets 574 617
Receivables for income taxesa 88 80
Other receivables and miscellaneous assetsa 2,366 1,258
Noncurrent assets 49,183 45,923
Inventories 13,681 13,876
Accounts receivable, trade 10,393 10,414
Receivables for income taxesa 740 717
Other receivables and miscellaneous assetsa 3,256 3,787
Marketable securities 67 53
Cash and cash equivalents 2,914 2,624
Assets of disposal groups 181
Current assets 31,232 31,472
Total assets 80,415 77,395
Million € Explanations in Note Dec. 31, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023
Intangible assets [14] 11,983 12,216
Property, plant and equipment [14] 27,197 24,080
Integral investments accounted for using the equity method [10] 2,399 2,054
Non-integral investments accounted for using the equity method [10] 3,411 4,518
Other financial assets [10] 1,165 1,099
Deferred tax assets [12] 574 617
Receivables for income taxesa [17] 88 80
Other receivables and miscellaneous assetsa [17] 2,366 1,258
Noncurrent assets   49,183 45,923
Inventories [16] 13,681 13,876
Accounts receivable, trade [17] 10,393 10,414
Receivables for income taxesa [17] 740 717
Other receivables and miscellaneous assetsa   3,256 3,787
Marketable securities 67 53
Cash and cash equivalents [26] 2,914 2,624
Assets of disposal groups [3] 181
Current assets 31,232 31,472
Total assets 80,415 77,395
a Since the 2024 business year, receivables for income taxes, which were previously included in other receivables and miscellaneous assets, have been reported separately. The prior-year figures have been adjusted.

Equity and liabilities

Million € Dec. 31, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023
Subscribed capital 1,142 1,142
Capital reserves 3,139 3,139
Retained earnings 30,883 32,517
Other comprehensive income 435 –1.521
Equity attributable to shareholders of BASF SE 35,599 35,277
Noncontrolling interests 1,284 1,368
Equity 36,884 36,646
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 2,403 2,896
Deferred tax liabilities 1,005 1,140
Income tax provisions 335 335
Other provisions 1,883 1,684
Financial indebtedness 19,122 17,085
Other liabilities 1,744 1,739
Noncurrent liabilities 26,492 24,879
Accounts payable, trade 6,923 6,741
Provisions 3,320 3,214
Liabilities for income taxesa 404 442
Financial indebtedness 2,639 2,182
Other liabilitiesa 3,714 3,291
Liabilities of disposal groups 39
Current liabilities 17,039 15,871
Total equity and liabilities 80,415 77,395
Million € Explanations in Note Dec. 31, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023
Subscribed capital [18] 1,142 1,142
Capital reserves [18] 3,139 3,139
Retained earnings [18] 30,883 32,517
Other comprehensive income [19] 435 –1.521
Equity attributable to shareholders of BASF SE 35,599 35,277
Noncontrolling interests  [13] 1,284 1,368
Equity 36,884 36,646
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations [21] 2,403 2,896
Deferred tax liabilities [12] 1,005 1,140
Income tax provisions 335 335
Other provisions [22] 1,883 1,684
Financial indebtedness [20] 19,122 17,085
Other liabilities [20] 1,744 1,739
Noncurrent liabilities 26,492 24,879
Accounts payable, trade [20] 6,923 6,741
Provisions [22] 3,320 3,214
Liabilities for income taxesa [12] 404 442
Financial indebtedness [20] 2,639 2,182
Other liabilitiesa [20] 3,714 3,291
Liabilities of disposal groups [3] 39
Current liabilities 17,039 15,871
Total equity and liabilities   80,415 77,395
a In the previous year, liabilities for income taxes were reported together with liabilities for other taxes. As of the 2024 business year, these are recognized under other liabilities. The prior-year figure has been consequently adjusted by the amount for other taxes (€359 million).
Last UpdateFebruary 28, 2025