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BASF Innovation Collaboration Day 2024

BASF in the UK wants to hear from start-ups and early-stage companies developing innovative and sustainable solutions. Interested companies concerning technologies in Enzyme innovation or Agritech innovation were invited to apply by 31 May 2024. Applications have now closed.

Darren Budd, a person in an office smiling

Commercial Director BASF UK & Ireland, Darren Budd invites you to apply.

"Today more than ever before, we are looking for answers to problems like climate change, scarcity of resources and nature restoration. And given the transformative action that is needed to tackle these challenges, it is clear that the solutions will be found through partnership. 

As one of the most innovative chemical companies in the world, we know that chemistry will be key to this.

After the success of the 2023 Innovation Collaboration Day, we are once again seeking start up and scale up innovators who would be interested in discussing their technology with BASF and exploring opportunities for collaboration."

Applying for BASF Innovation Collaboration Day 2024

Applications were invited for technologies in Enzyme Innovation and Agritech Innovation. 

Applications closed on 31 May 2024.

Enzyme Innovation

We are searching for companies in Northern and Central Europe, including the UK and Ireland, which are potential collaborators for our projects related to enzyme innovations. We are eager to establish partnerships with companies that possess well-developed technologies, which will contribute to our journey towards achieving net zero emissions.

  • Care chemical enzymes: we are particularly interested in companies that have pioneered unique technologies for working with enzymes, and specifically technologies that can be applied in the care chemicals industry (fabric care, personal care, household cleaning products, etc.)
  • Evolution of industrial enzymes: solutions that can transform enzymes into effective industrial catalysts. Our focus in this area lies in the Home care and I&I (Institutional and Industrial) sectors. For instance, companies that have developed enzymes for laundry detergents, dishwashing products, or industrial cleaning solutions
  • Strain and bioprocess development: we are interested in technologies that can efficiently identify and enhance microbial strains for use as industrial enzymes. Companies in this field may have developed advanced techniques for strain engineering or bioprocess optimization


Agritech Innovation

We are actively seeking innovators in the agricultural sector across the UK & Ireland for potential collaboration, including start-ups, SMEs and R&D incubators within universities and research institutes focused on agriculture and the farmed environment. Specifically, we are interested in hearing from innovators working on the following areas of work:

  • Precision and digital applications: innovative digital tools and applications that can be applied to various aspects of agriculture, production, soil management, and carbon soil management and sensor technologies that aid in monitoring biodiversity on agricultural land and measuring carbon levels in soils
  • Genetic editing: explore techniques that target plant traits to help achieve national targets such as carbon sequestration, net-zero emissions, and optimized crop inputs
  • Crop production: novel products that provide effective control of pests, weeds, and diseases, or support integrated pest management (IPM) approaches. Additionally optimised fertiliser utilisation technologies which help to reduce emissions and stabilise nutrients in soil and plants, minimising environmental impacts
  • Plant health and resilience: synthetic, biological, and plant stimulant technologies based on novel approaches. This cluster excludes seaweed extract companies and aims to find innovative solutions for enhancing plant health and resilience

Sorry, applications have now closed for 2024. 

Article first published 19 April 2024, updated 1 May 2024, 14 May 2024 and 4 June 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are looking for innovative companies or individuals with great ideas, for either of the two innovation clusters (enzyme innovation or agritech innovation), where BASF can support in either a partnership or an investment. 

We would like our application process to be as inclusive as possible and are open to hearing from any interested early-stage enterprise. Whether at concept or scaleup phase, we are looking to help move your innovation solution forward. 

BASF is looking at creating relationships and supporting innovative solutions. After the pitching day, we will get in touch with the outstanding start-ups to define the best route for a potential partnership. It could be mentoring, exposure, collaboration on scaling, investment, or any other type of partnership decided between the start-up and BASF.

Applications were open 1 May - 31 May 2024. Sorry, we are no longer accepting applications for 2024.

Applications have now closed for 2024. 

Additional material to support your application could include a link to your website, links to published articles about your solution or links to any relevant presentation. There is space on the application form to add links and upload additional information. Avoid adding information that you would consider confidential.

If you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Round One: Depending on the range of applications, we will invite up to 30 applicants to provide a short 10 minute presentation to a member of our judging panel over Microsoft Teams. This will be followed by a short Question and Answer session.

Round Two:
 A shortlist of 12 companies will be invited to attend an in-person pitching day in front of our judging panel. This will consist of a 30 minute presentation, followed by a 20 minute Question and Answer session.

Companies will be shortlisted taking into consideration BASF’s net zero roadmap, the UK Government priorities and compatibility with BASF’s expertise.

Round Two shortlisted entries will be invited to present their innovative solutions to a BASF expert panel on 3 and 4 September 2024 in Central London.

You will be contacted by 1 July 2024 to inform you whether your application has been successful or not. Invitations to Round One (a Microsoft Teams call) will be sent out to successful applicants. You will be offered a choice of dates.

BASF will contact you by 1 July 2024 to inform you if you have been shortlisted. 

If you are shortlisted for our pitching day on the 3 and 4 September 2024 (Round Two), BASF will contact you by 15 August 2024 and invite you to present to a panel of experts. We will provide full details directly to the shortlisted parties. The event will take place in Central London. 

Shortlisted parties will be provided with information in advance to allow preparation for the pitching day, including who will be on the panel and how the day will go.

On the pitching day, you will present your idea to a panel of experts and discuss what your requirements are in terms of support from BASF. Each company will have between 30-45 minutes to present their idea, answer questions from the panel of experts, and receive initial feedback about the solution. Immediate proposals for partnership or investment should not be expected during the session. BASF will be in touch with applicants following the pitching day.

If you are not shortlisted for the event, we will contact you with our feedback. 

We will contact you with our feedback. 

If you have any questions about the event, please send an email to

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