

Excursion for pupils

Due to the current dynamic development of the corona situation, BASF will no longer offer excursions for pupils until March 20th 2022. We regret this development and ask for your understanding. BASF will reassess the situation and provide information here on how to proceed.

Erlebnis-Samstag der BASF im Besucherzentrum: Am Samstag, 12. Januar, lädt BASF zum ersten Erlebnis-Samstag 2019 ein. Von 9 Uhr bis 16 Uhr können Besucher bei Werkrundfahrten den größten zusammenhängenden Chemiestandort der Welt in Ludwigshafen entdecken.

Exclusively for senior high school chemistry and biology courses: A half‑day site tour for the pupils, including a tour of the exhibition. 

The best place to experience BASF and chemistry is on‑site at BASF! BASF invites senior high school students of chemistry and biology to a half‑day site tour at the world’s largest contiguous chemical complex. In addition to introducing our multimedia exhibition, part of the program consists of a tour around the factory and a visit to a production facility.

Get a taste of how things work at BASF

The program for visits lasts three hours an starts at 10.00 am.

Please note that the group may not be any larger than 14 persons, teaching staff included.

This program is aimed exclusively at senior high school classes. Teaching staff can inquire as to their desired date directly online. You will then receive your precise program for the visit shortly after your booking.