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Change for climate

Change for the climate

Our goal is net-zero emissions by 2050. How is that possible for a company in the energy-intensive chemical industry? It’s ambitious, for sure. But we’re confident we can get there. That’s because, in our pursuit of change, we’re leaving no stone unturned, questioning everything that can be questioned, and finding inspiration in surprising places.

Click on the pictures below to find out more.

The climate is changing and so are we: These are our projects to make it happen
The climate is changing and so are we: These are our projects to make it happen Making the most of waste A green engine for chemistry
The climate is changing and so are we: These are our projects to make it happen

It is the people who make change for climate possible at BASF 

Watch what happens behind the scenes: With every small action BASF takes to change for the climate it’s actually the people behind the scenes making climate protection a priority. It is their passion and their drive that makes the transformation possible.

We call them our Change Makers – and these are their stories...


A detailed roadmap to ensure we act with rigor.


The picture shows two buttons with each an icon in it symbolizing the four pillars of change supporting climate change at BASF , in this case a wind turbine with the headline "Investing in renewable energy" and an arrow with the headline "Cutting emissions at our sites" Investing in renewable energy Cutting emissions at our sites
The picture shows two buttons with each an icon in it symbolizing the four pillars of change supporting climate change at BASF , in this case a recycling symbol with the headline "Recycling the things we value" and a footprint with the headline "Reducing your carbon footprint" Reducing your carbon footprint Recycling the things we value

We have an established track record in reducing our global CO2 emissions. Since 1990, we’ve almost halved them. And, by 2030, we want to reduce our emissions by a quarter compared to 2018. By 2050, in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement, we’re aiming for net-zero CO­2 emissions1

1 The goal includes Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Other greenhouse gases are converted into CO2 equivalents according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol

Watch us, we are changing.


Find out how BASF is changing to protect the climate: