
Licity® boosts batteries – electrochemical testing

How do you test and verify Licity® performance gains?

Preparation for electrochemical testing process
Cell testing capabilities by BASF expert in Lab

Cell testing capabilities for our partners

Our EC lab facilitates your testing process: we follow your test protocol using your raw materials, electrolytes, etc. and then work with you to develop improvements on cell level.  

Cell testing capabilities by BASF expert with vacuum box

Supervised by our experts

All tests are supervised and conducted by our experts to ensure that your electrode testing yields the best possible results.

Are you excited in leveraging our expertise?

Please reach out to Christian Brand, our Licity® expert. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Christian Brand
Christian Brand
Senior Technical Manager Licity®

“Licity® binders are an easy way for battery manufacturers to boost their cell performance. But there is more: Licity® is additionally the promise to support our customers along the complete production process from raw materials to cell testing.”

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