The new acetylene plant, which replaces the almost 60-year-old previous plant at the Ludwigshafen Verbund site, has an annual capacity of 90,000 metric tons. Around 20 plants at the Ludwigshafen site use acetylene as a chemical building block and starting material for manufacturing many everyday products, including pharmaceuticals, plastics, solvents, electronic chemicals and highly elastic textile fibers. BASF customers use these products in the automotive, pharma, construction, consumer goods and textile industries. The integration of the plant into BASF's Verbund system offers advantages such as efficient use of resources, excellent production synergies and short supply routes. In this way, BASF is further enhancing the long-term competitiveness of the Ludwigshafen site.



巴斯夫作为全球最大的化工企业之一,足迹遍及全球93 个国家。我们在全球拥有234 个生产基地。1865 年,巴斯夫在德国路德维希港为一体化理念奠定基石,直到今天,它仍然是我们的关键优势之一:一体化体系智能连接和管理各个生产装置,创造了从基础化学品到涂料和作物保护产品等高附加值产品的高效价值链。通过一体化生产体系,我们在进行可靠生产的同时,能够节约资源,并降低二氧化碳排放。例如,一套生产装置的副产品可成为其他装置的原料。这有助于我们节约原料和能源,降低排放和物流成本,充分发挥协同效应。