Collaborative robot / PlasCobot

Flexible use of robotics makes it easier to integrate new processes in the manufacturing line.

At BASF, we enable flexible manufacturing with the development of more mobile, safe and complex designed collaborative robots. As cobots need to be used on a needs basis, a light loading cobot will be easier and faster to move around in the production site. 

Cobots are increasingly used to fit tight spaces. As cobots with more degrees of freedom are more modular, its design can also be more complex – hence need to be produced with material innovations that provide greater freedom of design and ease of processing.

Cobots made with BASF’s elastic material solutions provide greater shock absorption and hence make flexible manufacturing safer. 

  • Ultramid PA
  • Elastollan TPU
  • Possesses excellent mechanical strength, electrical insulation and is resistant to abrasion, chemicals, and heat. 
  • Hence provides equal or better performance vs metal
  • More user-friendly for humans due to its good insulation and elastic properties
  • As these innovative materials are moldable, it is easy to process and empowers design freedom.
  • Does not have to be painted after being molded. This saves time and money for cobot manufacturers.