Recognising technical excellence in industrial coatings

The Journal of Surface Coating's Australia spoke with Evan Tzardis about receiving the 2019 BASF Perpetual Award for Technical Excellence to find out what he has learnt during his career to date and how he sees his place in the coatings industry.

What is your role in the coatings industry?

I work in a technical, product development role for the industrial coatings business at PPG Australia.

How did you end up where you are now?

My first job after completing my university degree was with the company I work for now, PPG, but it was a different role. I began work in the analytical services laboratory and after a few years there I wanted to broaden my horizons and applied for the role I’m in now.

Since receiving the Award for Technical Excellence, how has this inspired you to embrace the qualities of innovation and creativity?

Since I received the award I have felt inspired to seek out alternative solutions and employ lateral thinking strategies to the challenges I face in my work. I think that I have embraced a more open-minded attitude to problem solving.

As an Ambassador for Technical Excellence for 2019/20 what would you say to others who may be considering nominating for next year’s award?

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank-you to the SCAA committee for selecting me out of all the talented and highly respected nominees to be an Ambassador for Technical Excellence.

I’m also grateful to all of the sponsors of SCAA and especially BASF who sponsored this award. Receiving an award for technical excellence and being recognised by peers in the industry has empowered me. It fills me with confidence to know that I’m doing brilliant work of great value.

In your opinion what is the most effective ways SCAA can assist technical personnel in the coatings industry?

I’ve always found SCAA to be an exceptional resource for everyone in the industry. For me personally, one of the most helpful ways SCAA assist technical personnel is their online courses. I am currently enrolled in their advanced course and I think that the quality of the course content and the convenience of self-paced study is fantastic.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

I’d like to see myself still in the lab, but 10 years is a long time and I may end up in another role.