One year, three moves and a 27-hectare office

Georgia Readett joined BASF’s GROW Graduate Program in 2019
It’s been a big twelve months for Georgia Readett since joining the GROW Graduate Program. After initially relocating from Sydney to Melbourne to join BASF, she has since moved twice more for work: first to Longerenong, then to Tamworth for her final grad placement at the BASF Agricultural Solutions Farm.
While Georgia has loved the variety in work and is now officially an expert when it comes to unpacking and repacking, she reflects that moving so often had its challenges. “One of the biggest challenges has been moving places. You get to know the team, how everyone works together and to leave them each time was sad, but I also just felt so happy that I did get to work so many great teams”, she said.
Fortunately for Georgia, her most recent work placement led to a job offer and she is looking to spend 2020 based in the one place, working as field biologist at the BASF Agricultural Solutions Farm in Tamworth. Working alongside the sites Farm Manager Russell, and Technical Development Manager Ian, these days Georgia’s office is often a 27 hectares farm. “Working with Russell and Ian at the farm is a lot of fun and very interesting. Every day is different, and my work also depends on the weather, for example if we have to spray trials, we do that early in the morning before it gets too hot”.
Georgia’s main tasks are conducting research trials and looking at new products to assess market opportunities. This involves spraying and marking trials, driving tractors, collecting data, writing reports, conducting assessments and gathering data on how well the product has worked. “Right now, I get to spend half of the day in the field being able to have a look at the products that BASF is selling and seeing them in action. The other half I spend in the office writing reports. I love the mix, I think that balance is just perfect,” she said.
Georgia has found a permanent place to live, bought a car and is settling in to life in Tamworth extremely well. We wish her all the best for 2020.