Taking care of your skin with sustainable solutions

Texapon® SFA and Dehyton® SFA are effective alternatives to surfactants containing sulfate and are very gentle on the skin and eyes.

The United Nations Member States adopted the  2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognising that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. BASF aims to create chemistry for a sustainable future and the company has shaped its corporate targets around the SDGs.

Here are a few award-winning cases from our Care Creations® team, showcasing how BASF’s assessment methodology and product solutions enable our customers and end consumers to make their contribution to achieving the SDGs.

In Australia and New Zealand, we can hardly leave the house without putting on sunscreen. The potential negative impacts sunscreens may have on the environment are increasingly being discussed and are subject of comprehensive research worldwide. Consumers are looking for sunscreens that offer effective UV protection and at the same time are eco-friendly. In order to understand the environmental compatibility of UV filter systems in sunscreens, BASF’s Care Creations has developed EcoSun Pass, a new methodology that supports the transparent assessment of UV filters based on internationally recognised criteria. It comprises eight different parameters, from biodegradation and aquatic toxicity to endocrine disruption potential. It not only considers environmental factors for individual UV filters, but provides a comprehensive environmental evaluation of filter systems regardless of the supplier.

“With EcoSun Pass, we are able to advise formulators and sunscreen manufacturers already at the development stage which UV filter combinations are best suited for their applications – in the interest of both the consumer and the environment,” said Helen Costanza, Personal Care Business & Distributor Manager, BASF ANZ.

As for skin care, Texapon SFA is a very mild, innovative anionic surfactant based on sustainable, RSPO-certified renewable resources. As an essential ingredient for shampoo, body wash and other personal care products, it is extremely gentle on the skin and eyes, making it especially suitable for delicate baby skin and tear-free formulas. Both clinical and sensory tests have confirmed that formulas based on Texapon SFA do not cause a burning sensation in the eyes, are easy on the skin and mucous membranes, and create a dense, stable and creamy foam. The product is 100 percent biodegradable, so look out for formulas with Texapon SFA (INCI: Disodium 2-Sulfolaurate) as an alternative to sulfate-surfactants.

Another example is Inolixir™, a hyper-concentrated bioactive ingredient extracted from the chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) by an innovative and eco-friendly extraction method using pressurised water instead of organic solvents. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties fortify the skin’s natural protection system by strengthening barrier function and the microvascular network – working on all fronts to return skin to a healthier condition, with visible reduction of fine lines, dark-circles and redness.

“We are experiencing a lot of stress now and it is visible on our skin. The extract from chaga mushroom native to the Northern Canadian forest, is a superfood for healthy skin,” described Helen.

This 100% natural bioactive ingredient works in two ways: firstly, it offers a wellness approach proven to be effective on tired and stressed skin. Secondly, the bioactive ingredient presents dermocosmetic solutions for sensitive skin.

BASF’s efforts in sustainable care solutions were recognised at the BSB Innovation Prize 2020 released recently. The EcoSun Pass achieved first place in the category “Concepts”. BASF’s 100 percent naturally derived, anionic surfactant Texapon® SFA achieved second place in the “Functionals and Recipients” sub-category of “Cosmetics” and the bioactive ingredient Inolixir™, was awarded with the third place in the “Naturals and Actives” sub-category of “Cosmetics”.

The German consulting agency BSB has been issuing its Innovation Awards since 2003. The awards are given to innovative goods in the cosmetics sector for finished products and raw materials in different categories. To date, BASF has been honored sixteen times for its solutions by BSB.

You will find more about BASF’s Personal Care solutions here.

Learn more about how to read INCI on the skincare bottles.

BASF’s InolixirTM is a super food for healthy skin.